December 2001
Presented by:
The FICS SR Team

Starting with this issue the FICS newsletter will provide guides on the various graphical interfaces you can use on FICS. This month beuki provides the basics for using thief.

Last month beuki gave us an introduction to crazyhouse. This month the series on chess variants continues with bughouse, again by beuki.

The Chess world was saddend at the sudden news that GM Antony (Tony) Miles had dies on November, 11th at the age of 46. FICS tried to honour his memory by dedicating the following TIO to him.


November Upgrades
FICS Shortest Mate?

Regular Events

The Team 45 45 League
FICS Championship

Introduction to bughouse | Introduction to thief | Tony Miles Memorial | Upgrades | Onlinetours | The 45 0 Team League | FICS Championship | Puzzles | FICS Tournaments | The Academy | ServerTip | Credits