The FICS Academy
The FICS Chess Academy provides a medium for interaction
between stronger players and those wishing to become
stronger. Over the last few months, the Academy has
concentrated its efforts on
The FICS Chess Ladder.
Volunteer members of the Ladder review games played
by FICS users, providing useful advice on how weaker
players can improve their chess skills.
Any FICS registered player can
submit a game.
A Ladder reviewer will receive the game and annotate it
usually within 2 weeks. All annotated games are available
on web.
The game
The game we published in the last issue
last issue
has generated some reactions from FICS users, and in
particular this piece of analysis was sent tous by akryl,
one of the Ladder regular reviewers.
Almuradour - garlic
FICS - 25 august 2001
I just wanted to add some notes about the position, as it
is instructional and highlights some topics.
1. ... c5! Is indeed the easy winning move and as
you surmised.
2.dxc5 loses to
2. ... Kc7 3.Ke2 Kc6 4.c4 Kxc5 5.Kd3 b5 6.cxb5 Kxb5
7.Kd4 g5 8.h3 a6 9.a4+ Kb4 10.a5 Kb5
2.c3 is a bad move that loses mecanically to
2. ... cxd4 3.cxd4 Kc7 4.Ke2 Kc6 5.Kd3 Kd5 6.a4 b6
and black's far passe decides the game.
2.c4 is a better try for it forces
2... cxd4 (due to the threat d4-d5)
3.Ke2 Kc7 4.Kd3 Kc6 5.Kxd4 b5 6.h4 g5 7.h5 Kb6 8.Kc3 Kc5 9.cxb5
Kxb5 10.Kd4 a6
and the win is analogous to the 2.dxc5 variation.
is the last try, white tries to do without c4 as long as
2. ... Kc7 3.Kd3 Kc6 4.Ke4
(If white tries 4.a4 or 4.c3 4... b5wins easily)
4. ... cxd4 (Black also wins by 4. ... b5 but
there is a lot of tricky variations after 5.d5+ why
allow that) 5.Kxd4 b5 6.h4 g5 7.h5 Kb6 8.c3 Kc6 9.c4 Kb6
10.Kc3 and black wins.
White is unable to defend against the theats of the far
passer, a black infiltration on c5, and the weakness of an
overextended pawn.