December 2001
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The FICS SR Team

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Introduction to thief Part 1
Start up Thief to play a chess game on FICS

Ok you have registered at FICS, you have your handle and your password, and you can log on to play some games, but you wonder which graphical interface you should use? You have heard about Winboard, Slics, Chess Machine etc, but asking on FICS, there will always be some recommendations for Thief. So you may want to go to Tecumseh's website or to SuperGrover's website for all bughouse players and you download the latest version Thief.0.521. Before doing so though, you should make sure your computers satisfies the following requirements:
  • You should use Thief with a pentium or equivalent processor. You can try to use thief with older processors, for example a 486 processor but in this case you will probably need lots of RAM.
  • You can run Thief on any win32 system such as:
    1. Win 95/98
    2. Win NT
    3. Win 2000
  • Thief is not supported for Mac or linux machines.
After download and installation there should appear the following screen:

Thief default layout

It becomes now obvious that Thief was written for the typical bughouse player, who needs to see 2 boards on the screen at the same time. But during the last year, the programmers have added a lot of features, which made Thief also a good interface to play all chess variants. Even Suicide is implemented now. If you are not interested in a bughouse game you can change the entry screen to the following:

Theif Normal chess layout

by selecting Option->Window layout->Restore layout #1 or by using the hot-key CTRL-1. You can switch between this kind of screen or a full telnet window at any time using the hot-keys CTRL-B and CTRL-T.

Now that we have set the standard chess layout as entry layout, we are ready to login to FICS. By selecting >Connection->New Connection you are shown this box.
The Connection name is a free parameter so you can choose anything e.g. FICS_handle. If you use a firewall, modify the server port from 5000 to 23 in the Server field. You can the insert yor handle and password you and leave the Script file box empty. Once you click OK you are finally logged on FICS and you can start playing games with Thief. Thief Connection Form

Before leaving here are a few hints to customize the Thief interface:

True Premove Option->General->Move Input->True Premove
Suppress channel tells while playing and get them after a game. Option->General->Telnet Window-> store channel tell while playing
You want to be informed by a pop-up window, that you get challenged?. Option->General->Miscellanous/Apply challenge pop-up window
You want to be informed by a pop-up window, if your opponent wants to abort the game. Option->General->Miscellanous->Apply abort pop-up window

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