November 2001
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Introduction to crazyhouse Part 1

Well you have played some games on the FICS Chess Server and now you are wondering which chess variants you can play on this server? OK we will introduce you to those variants as part of a FICS Newsletter series. We start with the chess variant crazyhouse. First you might ask, what crazyhouse is. By looking in the crazyhouse help file, you will get the following:

Crazyhouse is a variant of chess similar to Bughouse, except that it is played between only two players, on one board. The special feature of the game is that when you capture a piece, you receive a piece of the same kind, but of your colour. Rules for piece drops are the same as in Bughouse, i.e. any piece may be dropped on any open square with the exception that pawns may not be dropped on the 1st or 8th rank. (...) During crazyhouse play, you will be periodically notified whenever you receive captured pieces. You will be told the type of piece you received, and the set of pieces that you are currently holding. You are also notified when your opponent's holdings change. Both player's holdings are displayed whenever your board position is refreshed. Strength assessment takes held pieces into account, not just pieces on the board. A special move notation is needed to drop one of your held pieces onto the board. The notation for making a drop is P@fr, where P is a piece you are holding [PNBRQ] and fr is the empty destination square. Example: N@f5 would drop a knight on square f5. For checkmate to occur, there must be no possibility of avoiding checkmate by a drop interposition. This means either the opponent is not holding any pieces, or in the case of check along the 1st or 8th rank by a queen or rook, he holds no pieces other than pawns. It is also possible to checkmate by contact checks, knight checks, and double checks. To claim a draw by repetition, the same board position must be reached 3 times with the same player to move. The count restarts whenever a pawn is moved, a capture is made, or a piece is dropped. Note that this may be inadequate for some situations where each player drops a particular piece, which is immediately exchanged, then dropped again etc.

That sounds quite theoretical? Let us look at a typical crazyhouse position:

For a normal chess game the above position looks quite harmless. But after the moves:

1.Bf7+ Kf7 2. Ng5+ Ke7

you get:

Even here you might not even see the danger, but after

3.N@d5+ Nd5 4.Nd5+ Ke8

the last pawn in hand mates with


In crazyhouse you rarely have endgames. Mostly the games are decided by mating attacks in the midlegame. Crazyhouse got popular on the Internet chess servers, as it is quite complicated to play it over the board.

Key Concepts

  1. Initiative

    If there is one thing critical in crazyhouse, it's initiative. White has this at the beginning of the game, by virtue of moving first, and Black is at a large disadvantage to begin the game. In normal chess, there's a lot of talk about tempo, but tempo means nothing in crazyhouse. You may have superior development, but if your opponent has initiative, you will likely lose.

    What is initiative? It is the ability to force your opponent to react. For instance, when you place the king in check, he must react to your move. He cannot further his attack. Ten checks in a row can make a materially superior opponent defenceless. The key thing to remember is this: if you set up a trap and gain material, the material is useless if you cannot defend against the maximum attack your opponent can mount with the pieces he has in hand.

    A common use of initiative is to utilise a piece storm where a player drops pieces turn after turn, forcing a king to run for cover. Given enough material, checkmate can result.

  2. Contact Attacks

    Especially with the king, a contact attack is almost always necessary to force checkmate. Contact attacks are where there are no open spaces between the attacker and the defender. For instance, if the king is resting on square h8, a pawn on g7 is a contact attacker. A rook on g7 would not be, as he is not attacking the king.

    The exception to the contact rule is the knight. Knights are very valuable in crazyhouse because your opponent cannot block a knight attack. It is a common mistake in crazyhouse for players to value knights as they are valued in normal chess. A valuation system for beginners places knights about 1/2 point higher than rooks with all other pieces remaining equal. Thus, Queens are worth approximately 9, Knights 5.5, Rooks 5, Bishops 3 and Pawns 1. Pawns have an exponential value factor, however, due to their threat of placement on the 7th rank with imminent queening threatened. Thus 4 pawns is not worth 4, but more in line with 8, almost a queen. Any knight attack is a contact attack.

  3. Off-axis Attacks

    Everyone who has played chess has experienced these attacks in normal chess. It's commonly called a fork, and in normal chess, it is usually done by the knight due to the fact that forks with other pieces are difficult to set up as you're already attacking one piece when you move to fork. In crazyhouse, however, dropping a piece can set up a fork with a bishop or rook, often with devastating results.

    Consider a case where the king is on e8 and the queen is on a4 with a pawn on c4. A bishop drop on B5 is check, but forks the queen behind, protected by the pawn.

    I call these attack off-axis because it rarely works out that a fork is like the example above. By putting an attack on two different lines, it's impossible to block both attacks with a drop. These attacks are very useful for winning material as they never happen in real chess!

  4. Weak Squares

    Squares that are normally not weak in normal chess are weak points in crazyhouse. F2 is a weak square for white at the beginning of the game. F3 is also weak because of a possible knight attack. Fienchettos are almost always bad because they open up 7th rank squares for pawns. Nothing is worse than losing a rook and having a pawn promoted because you opened up g2 or b2 and traded your protecting bishop away.

    In general, king-side castling can hurt more than it helps because it is far away from the protection of the major pieces. Queen side castling is almost preferred in most cases. If you must castle, consider building up a second row of major defenders on the f, g, and h files for additional protection.

  5. Sacrifices

    Sacrifices are always risky in normal chess. They are doubly so in crazyhouse. Why? Simply because the valuable piece you sac is now in your opponent's hand to throw back at you the next time he gets initiative. Often, pieces are sacrificed to continue a contact check piece storm. As long as checkmate results, the captured material doesn't really matter but if initiative is recaptured by your opponent, all those extra pieces are now in his hand. Choose carefully before sacking pieces.

How do I improve

Crazyhouse can be difficult to improve at. The emphasis is on tactics and mating patterns. If you are weak with either of these, study up. Checkmate that are rare or impossible in normal chess happen commonly in crazyhouse. Watch for forks and pins. Both are your best friend and worst enemy

Mating Techniques

  1. The N@h3-threat

    White is lost after:

    1. ... N@h3+ After 2.gxf3 there is 2.R@h1++ The most common mate in crazyhouse however is after 2.Kh1 R@g1+ 3.Rxg1 Nf2# Quite funny, isn't it??

  2. The Fianchetto-threat No 1

    White plays the harmless looking move:


    and threatens 2.Bh6#

  3. The Fianchetto-threat No 2

    White can play


    and after 1. ... Kxh8 2.Q@f8 Q@g8 the little pawn mates with


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