December 2001
Presented by:
The FICS SR Team

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Mamer OnlineTours Service Expanded

Beginning 10 December, there will be an expansion of service for the OnlineTours. The Mamer OnlineTour will be presented on a daily basis, except Sundays, server time. The new schedule will have scheduled times (all server time) of 18:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and at 09:00 on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The OnlineTours are presented in channel 7. To participate in the OnlineTours, all you have to do is type +ch 7.

A special feature is that Tourney Managers(TM) will be conducting these OnlineTours, which will showcase Mamer, the bot used on FICS to run tournaments. There are opportunities during these OnlineTours for players to ask questions about Mamer, or about tournaments in general. You can do this by typing tell 7 I have a question and then ask your question(s).

The other OnlineTours, Communication and Match/Seek game, still have their regular times:

 Tour  Week Day  Server Time
 The Communication Tour  Sunday  04:00
 The Match/Seek Game Tour  Tuesday  11:00
 The Communication Tour  Thursday  19:00
 The Match/Seek Game Tour  Saturday  17:00

Server Time is Pacific i.e. GMT-8.

As with the other Tours, which require an SR or admin, you can request a Mamer OnlineTour at any time. The TM will check just to make sure a scheduled OnlineTour is not upcoming, within an hour or so.

We look forward to serving your needs with these OnlineTours. If you have topics that might need coverage within these OnlineTours, please feel free to contact Chessty or GBate.

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