December 2001
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Introduction to bughouse Part 1

In the second article of our series about chess variants, we come to Bughouse Chess. A good starting point is FICS help file. As this file is quite old and the server has changed in the mean time, I have added some correction which are highlighted on the text.

Bughouse (or siamese chess) is a variant of chess played between two player teams on two separate boards. The special feature of the game is that pieces you capture are transferred to your partner, who is playing with the opposite color pieces from yourself. He may drop such a piece on an empty square as a subsequent move in his game. Bughouse games have a separate rating.


First, find a user who is available for a bughouse partnership. The command bugwho u will list users with bugopen set to 1 but who do not have bughouse partnerships. Next, use the partner command to select a partner. After that, find an opponent team. You may use the Bughouse channel for this purpose (channel 24), and the command bugwho p lists players who are members of a current bughouse partnership. Then, one of your team challenges his desired opponent on the other team to a bughouse match. (A useful alias for this is alias bug match @ 2 12 bughouse where bug user_name is all you would need to type in order to match user_name to a bughouse game having 2 12 time controls.) When the match is accepted and all four players are present, then two games are initiated simultaneously: one between the challenger and the challengee with the desired colors, and one between the other partners, with colors opposite from their partners. The same time control applies to both boards, though moretime can be used independently on each board. Each player is notified of the game number of their partner's game, so he may observe it as well as playing in his own game.

To help you form bughouse partnerships and bughouse matches, a special channel is available: channel 24 Bughouse channel. To enter this channel, type +channel 24. Please note that unregistered players cannot talk in chan 24, they can only talk in channel 4.


During bughouse play, you will be periodically notified when your partner passes you captured pieces. You will be told the type of piece that was passed, and the set of pieces that you are currently holding. You are also notified when your opponent's holdings change. Both player's holdings are displayed whenever your board position is refreshed. Strength assessment takes held pieces into account, not just pieces on the board. A special move notation is needed to drop one of your held pieces onto the board. The notation for making a drop is P@fr, where P is a piece you are holding [PNBRQ] and fr is the empty destination square. Example: n@f5 would drop a knight on square f5. You may talk to your partner during a bughouse match. It is recommended to set up convenient aliases for common messages, such as I need a knight!! Don't give him a bishop! and Are you out of your mind?! The ptell command is used for this purpose; only your partner will hear a ptell. Special bughouse related server aliases have been added recently. They are listed in this newsletter upgrade article.

The match is finished when one player is checkmated, resigns, or is flagged.

At that point, both games end and the bughouse ratings of all match players are adjusted, whether or not the team result was because of their game. A draw request should be made and accepted at both boards before the match is ended as a draw (a near impossibility). Note that checkmate is defined differently: there must be no possibility of avoiding checkmate by a drop interposition. Even if your opponent is currently holding no pieces that he can drop in order to avoid mate, he may later get a piece from his partner and use it to interpose the check. Thus, only contact and knight checks can give a decisive checkmate (meaning that no interposition or drops are ever possible).

For notes on strategy in bughouse chess, see bughouse_strat

Observers should observe both games in order to see the full match. You can observe your partner's game using several commands: follow, observe, pfollow or pobserve Pfollow and pobserve are special commands especially for bughouse games, so become familiar with them. Kibitzes and whispers go to observers (and players) of both games even if you are observing only one game. Observers will also be notified of pieces transferred to each player's reserves. Note that kibitz can be used as a shortcut to tell your partner something if you don't mind your opponents hearing it. It also makes the game more exciting for the observers. A say will go to your opponent, as well as to your partner and your partner's opponent.


  • Pawns cannot be dropped onto your first or eighth ranks, although they may be dropped onto the seventh rank and promoted on the next move.
  • Pieces that had been promoted revert to pawns when captured and passed to your partner.
  • Your partner variable is not saved between logins. Use the partner command to get a partner after you log on.


  • Bughouse is not be supported by all interfaces. Contact the author of your interface to determine if you can play bughouse with it. If an interface relies on the board position rather than moves, things should generally work out. No new styles have been added to support bughouse.
  • Because bughouse is such a nonstandard type of play, there are a number of commands that are not applicable to a bughouse game:
    1. Adjournments and disconnections end both games and the match cannot be resumed. (This leaves a lot of room for abuse, but hey, bughouse is just for fun, guys!) The adjourn command is disabled during play. Bughouse games can be now adjourned
    2. Simul commands cannot be used for bughouse games. [FDA regulation to avoid frying the brains of the participants.]
    3. Takeback is disabled (for now). At best, takeback would work only on noncapture moves (including drops) in order to avoid having to take held pieces away from the other game.
    4. Switch is disabled (for now).
    5. Moves, oldmoves, mailmoves and mailoldmoves do work during a game, but they now break the PGN format, which doesn't allow drops. Moves are shown as P/@@-fr and P@fr in the old and PGN formats. Only moves and drops are recorded, not changes to a player's holdings. Theoretically, knowing the duration of each move in both games allows you to reconstruct the holdings as well.
    6. Except for commands that terminate a game or involve certain forms of communication, commands affect only one of the two games in a bughouse match.

Well that should be enough Bughouse theory. Let's have a look at our first position

pminear (2474)

JKiller (2561)
Gnejs (2513)

Jdp (2118)

pminear and Gnejs are playing against JKiller and jtp. It is JKiller move, he has 2:48 min left on his clock and he is waiting for a Queen to mate his opponent in f7. On the other board it is Gnejs move, he has 2:40 min left on his clock and he can hardly avoid the Queen trade. So all JKiller has to do, is wait for the Queen to come, play Q@f7 and mate his opponent. Actually with one of the biggest swindles in bugland Gnejs managed to avoid the Queen trade long enough that his team got the advantage and finally won. The annotated game can be downloaded from Sid Ferrante's webpage

After a first taste of how a Bughouse game works let's move to a trickier poisition.




At first sight LINDEGREN seems to have an attack vs. pminear, with a Queen in hand he could even mate him. On the other board JKiller has actually only only a Night and two Pawns to attack Darkfire. But after 1.Bh6+ Rxh6 2.P@g7+ Kg7 3.N@f5+ Kh8 you reach the following position:




and the little extra pawn mates on g7. On the other board LINDEGREN couldn't get an attack going against pminear.

Ok, what did we learn of those two games? In order to play Bughouse you have to have the following abilities:

  • Chess skills.
  • Crazyhouse skills , i.e. being able to calculate inserting pieces.
  • Speed: as you have seen in the first example, it is often very important to be in time advantage against your partner opponent.
  • Communication skills: your partner needs to know at any time what trades he has to avoid and which ones are good for you.
As you can see it is a multi-dimension game. This might be the main reason, computers are not as good at playing bughouse as they are for example at crazyhouse. There actually is no computer rated +2000. Nevertheless some general bughouse rules for beginner can stil be found:
  1. The weakest square is f2 for white or f7 for black. A lot of opponents will try to attack this square from the beginning of a game. Never move the f-pawn, unless you have to.
  2. The value of the pieces is quite different from normal chess. As a general guideline you can take: Pawn=1, Bishop Knight and Rook=2, Queen=4.
  3. As opposite to normal chess, do not move too many pawns, as every pawn move creates a weak square on the second rank. Most players only move the e and d-pawn in the opening.
  4. As most of the bughouse games on FICS are played with 3 0 time control, do not think too much about every maove. As soon as your opponent team has got a big time advantage, they can control the game. Sometimes just a move is better than no move at all.
  5. The most common time control for a bughouse match on FICS is 3 0. As both games run with the same time control, playing with increment is no good idea.
  6. In case one of the players starts laging, the game often gets aborted. If you lag often, you shouldn't play bughouse.
All right, that's about it as an introduction to Bughouse. In the following parts we will deal with special bughouse interfaces, aliases, strategy, mating attacks and much more.

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