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FICS Teaching Ladder - Frequently Asked
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The FICS Teaching Ladder is an excellent resource for Chess players who
would like to improve their game.
Volunteers in the ladder comment on games played by weaker players. Any
FICS user may submit a game to be commented comment by a stronger
All reviews performed through the FTL are available in the FTL archives
and can be used for your study independently whether you have submitted
games or not. The strength of the players vary from absolute beginners
to FIDE masters. Just start browsing and we are sure you will find
something of interest to you.
You can use the FTL in various ways:
For any questions or comments, you can
the FTL administrators.
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In order to submit your game you have to be a FICS member. If you are
not, you can
Register for free.
Once you are a member just follow the the following steps:
Games to be submitted should be chosen carefully.
In order to really help you improve your playing, the reviewer should
This can be hardly achieved if you submit blitz games, or games in
which one of the 2 sides had an easy win. Best results can be obtained
if you submit close games, especially those ones in which you lost
without knowing exactly where you went wrong.
Before you submit your game for review, analyse it yourself and
This way, when the reviewer will go through your game, he will be
able to comment on your strategical play, your tactical play, your
technical slips and so on.
You should go through the game by yourself, computer analysis is of
no help neither to you nor to the reviewer.
If possible, ask your opponent comments too. In general, the more
thoughts you can give, the better the review will be, since the
reviewer can then understand exactly which sides you have
misunderstood or need to improve.
There is no limit to the games you can submit for review. However,
you cannot send more than two games at a time. When you receive
the response you may request new reviews again.
Yes of course, you are most welcome to submit any of your games.
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There are several reasons why you may want to become a reviewer:
If you want to become a FICS reviewer,
email ftl@fics.freechess.org
with the following information:
All the information except obviously (1) and
(11) will remain confidential.
If you accept to review a game, you have 14 days to do it.
All reviews must be done using the
PGN format.
Reviews must be polite and friendly. Comments should not be just
negative, but constructive. Suggestions about improvements should be
always provided when possible.
At the end of the review add a summary of the important points,
for example pointing out which apparently are the player weak
points are.
Whenever possible arrange an online session with the player, to
go over the annotations.
When you receive a request for a review, you are not forced to
accept it. Please inform
the FTL director as soon as possible. It is important we know
if you are going to do the review in the two week period or not. In the
latter case another reviewer will be selected.
If you are temporarily unavailable for reviewing simply inform us,
and you will not be assigned reviews until further notice.
If you feel insecure about your review, and you would like to have
it checked by a stronger player submit the review to FTL as
if it was a normal game. This second review will be a review of the
initial comments, and not of the game itself.
When you finish the review, send the annotated game to the player
requesting the review, and a copy to the FTL director.
You can send a copy of the game to the other player too, if his email
address is available.
The email should look something like this:
To: [player1],[player2] CC: ftl@fics2.freechess.org Subject: Review of [player1]-[player2] Hello, here is the review of the game [player1]-[player2] you requested. Please remember that you can find this game, together with all the other FTL reviews, in the FTL Archive. If you would like to meet me on FICS, in order to discuss this review, feel free to contact me (by email, or through a FICS message) [reviewer_name] [include PGN file with the reviewed game]
We are happy to include in our archive any review you've
made, even if not requested from FTL. So, if you are a FICS reviewer,
feel free to send us any interesting review of your own, obviously
in PGN format.
Yes of course, if you are eager to comment on weaker players' games,
we will be happy to accept you in our reviewers team, don't forget you
can have a cross check from a stronger reviewer too.
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PGN (Portable Game Notation) is a standard designed for the
representation of chess game data using ASCII text files.
PGN is structured for easy reading and writing by human users and
for easy parsing and generation by computer programs.
The intent of the definition and propagation of PGN is to facilitate
the sharing of public domain chess game data among chess players
(both organic and otherwise), publishers, and computer chess
researchers throughout the world.
Here is a sample text file of a pgn game with comments and variations:
[Event "US Porta Nuova 20 min. game"]
[Site "?"] [Date "2000.12.07"] [White "geppoz "] [Black "Greco, V."] [Result "1-0"] [Annotator "geppoz & frengo"] [EC0 "D53"] [EventDate "2000.??.??"]
{frengo: Hi geppoz !} 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nf6
{frengo: This is the so called "Marshall
Defense". It's not often seen nowadays, since White is able to create
a strong center, and Black has not enough counterplay, as in similar
openings, for example the Grunfeld defence}
3.Nc3 {frengo: Of course this move is
perfectly playable, and indeed can cause a transposition into the
Queen Gambit Declined. Anyway, it would be better for White to play
3.cxd5, exploiting Black's poor opening choice. Even though it is
useful to have our opening schemes, in which we feel "confident,"
we must not hesitate in abandoning these schemes, when there is
the chance for an objectively a better move. BTW, after}
(3.cxd5 Nxd5 {probably White should prefer} 4.Nf3 {if he wants avoid:}
(4.e4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 6.dxe5 Qxd1+ 7.Nxd1 Ng4 {with compensation for
Black})) 3...e6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.e3 O-O 6.Nf3 Nc6
{geppoz: This move
surprised me a bit, I expected 6...Nbd7, I don't know what White can
play after 6...Nc6.
frengo: 7...Nc6 is somehow inferior to
7...Nbd7 in this position, but for sure it's not a decisive mistake.
Black could have some problems on the c-file, so a good plan for
White is to open and occupy as soon as possible the c-file with his
rook. Moreover, in some cases, the Black Knight could have some
difficulties to help defend the Kingside from c6.} 7.Bd3
{geppoz: I
decided not to care about my opponent's plan, and I played 7.Bd3.
AARGHH! You don't play chess alone. Never, NEVER play a move
without considering your opponent's plans.
geppoz: This because I
know some variations of the Orthodox defence in which White move Bd3
(or Bc4),Qc2 and sometimes Ne5 with many threatens against the Black
castle. In this way I lost time because Black could play dxc4 but I
thought that after Bxc4 White could still keep Black "under
pressure". I'm not sure about this because in the Orthodox defence the
Black Knight is on d7 so that the Black Bishop is "blind" and white
could play Ne5xf7 followed by Bc4xe6. Here White can't do this even if
he's able to move Ne5 and Bc4, but if Black moves b6 and Bb7, may be
that the threatens against the castle give white a better play. -
frengo: these thoughts are too abstract,
I'd say even obscure. They are based too much on known schemes
(with the Knight on d7), and totally ignore actual board position.
geppoz: Sometimes I play c5
in positions like this but in this position, after b6 I cannot play b4
because of the Knight on c6. frengo: This is
a perfect way of
considering the game ! (leaving out of consideration if c5 is or is
not a good plan) geppoz: so I decided to play
7.Bd3 Any advice about other continuations will be helpful
frengo: here are my advices:}
(7.Rc1 {This starts the plan of occupying the c-file, delaying the
development of f1 Bishop. In this way we don't lose a tempo if Black
plays 7...dxc4. Moreover, after developing the Rook, White can answer
with Bb1 to Black's Nb4, without "imprisoning" the Rook.}) (7.a3
{After this move White can forget about Nb4. Moreover, after this
move, White can also play c5, since after b6 he can simply play b4
now.}) 7...b6 {geppoz:Here I expected
7...dxc4 and I still think it was stronger than 7...b6 for Black.
frengo: Yes, 7...dxc4 is
better than 7...b6; after the text move, Knight in c6 is "suspended",
and this may let White try and search for a tactic shot.} 8.O-O
(8.cxd5 $1 {frengo: a typical reaction,
in this kind of positions, to
b6} exd5 (8...Nxd5 {loses a pawn after:} 9.Nxd5 exd5 (9...Qxd5 10.Bxe7
Nxe7 11.Qc2 {with double attack on h7 and c7}) 10.Bxh7+ $1 {The
suspended Knight!} Kxh7 11.Qc2+ Kh8 12.Qxc6 Bb4+ 13.Kd1 {White should
not be worried about castling loss, since Queens are about to
disappear from the Board} Qd7 14.Qxd7 Bxd7 15.Rc1) 9.Rc1 Nb4 10.Bb1
{frengo: White stands better,
he has good attacking changes
on the Kingside, and Black Knight is somehow out of play in b4. Moreover
White has already occupied the semiopened c-file with his Rook. For
example, if:} Bb7 11.a3 Na6 12.Qd3 {Black must weaken himself
playing:} g6 {visto che dopo since after} (12...Ne4 {loses a pawn
after} 13.Bxe7 (13.Nxd5 {can be played too}) 13...Qxe7 14.Nxd5 Bxd5
15.Qxa6)) 8...Qd6 {frengo: This was a good
chance for Black to play:}
(8...Nb4 {planning} 9.Be2 c5 {solving a lot of problems}) 9.Qc2 $6
{geppoz: I didn't pay sufficient attention
to the possible answer of my opponent. frengo:
Again! This is quite a blunder; without the
lightsquare Bishop, White attack has really little bite in it.} Nb4 $1
10.Qb1 Nxd3 {geppoz: Here a realized that
the planned attack couldn't
be carried on further. frengo: too late : -)}
11.Qxd3 Bb7 12.Nb5 {geppoz: I played 12.Nb5
because I didn't find anything better, but I didn't like 12...Qb4
frengo: this move quite complicates the game
; more quiet moves, trying to exploit the control of e5, could be
12.Bf4 or 12.Ne5} Qd7 (12...Qb4 {frengo:
as maybe you've noticed, this
move would cause big complication: here you are some variations, as a
demonstration, without too many comments} 13.cxd5 (13.a3 {is wrong,
for} dxc4 $1 (13...Qxb2 $4 14.Rfb1 dxc4 15.Qxc4) 14.axb4 cxd3) (13.b3
dxc4 14.bxc4 Bxf3 15.gxf3 c6 16.Nc3 Rfd8) 13...Ba6 14.a4 Nxd5 {with
uncertain, open position} (14...exd5 15.Ne5 $1 {threathens Nc6} Bb7
16.Nxc7 Rac8 17.Rac1 Qxa4 (17...Bd8 18.Nb5 Rxc1 19.Rxc1 Qxb2 20.Qc2
Qxc2 21.Rxc2 a6 22.Nd6 Ba8 23.Nf5 $3 Ng4 (23...h6 24.Bxf6 Bxf6 25.Nd7
Rd8 26.Nxf6+ gxf6 27.Nxh6+) (23...Bb7 24.Bxf6 Bxf6 (24...gxf6 25.Nd7
Re8 26.Nd6) 25.Nd7 Rd8 26.Rc7) 24.Nd7 (24.Bxd8 Nxe5 25.Be7 Nc4 26.Bxf8
Kxf8 {planning Bc6}) 24...Bxg5 (24...Re8 25.Rc8) 25.Nxf8) 18.b3 Qb4
19.Bxf6 Bxf6 20.Nd7 Rfd8 21.Nxf6+ gxf6 22.Rc2)) 13.Ne5 Qd8
better would have been for Black to play Qd8 at the previous move.}
14.Rac1 c6 15.Nc3 Ba6 16.Ne2 {geppoz: I
didn't know if there were risks in 16.Nxc6, so I decided not to
play it} (16.Nxc6 {frengo: is
forced} Bxc4 {with the following:} 17.Qd1 Qd6 18.Nxe7+ Qxe7 19.Re1
{and white stands better, mainly because of the threat of e4})
16...Ne4 $4 {frengo: a blunder} 17.Bxe7 $2
{frengo: you missed}
(17.Nxc6 $1 {almost winning}) 17...Qxe7 18.b3
{geppoz: here I though
that:} (18.Nxc6 Qc7 19.Nb4 Bxc4 {now was not good for white.
frengo: I
agree, I prefer 18.b3}) 18...dxc4 $4 19.bxc4 $4
{geppoz:No words for
this frengo: An incredible blunder! This is
food for thought: many
games at <2000 level are decided by mistakes and blunders. That means
that if a player becomes good at avoiding errors, his rating is likely
to increase considerably.} (19.Qxe4 {of course was better}) 19...f5
{geppoz: I think 19...Nd6 was better for my
opponent frengo: yes, Nd6
was slightly better for Black, since he avoids to weaken the diagonal
a2-g8, and moreover the Knight attacks the White pawn on c4. Anyway
White is still better after:} (19...Nd6 20.Nxc6 Qc7 21.d5 Rac8
(21...exd5 22.Qxd5 Rac8 23.Ned4 Bb7 24.c5 $1 Ne8 25.cxb6 axb6 26.Nb5)
22.e4 f5 23.Ned4 $1 {with the idea} fxe4 24.Qa3 $1) 20.Nxc6 Qc7 21.Nb4
Bb7 22.Qb3 $2 {geppoz: I was still thinking
to an attack against the Black King frengo:
your idea is not too bad, since the pawn in e6 and
the whole diagonal a2-c8 are quite weak. You should have removed the
Black Knight first, for example:} (22.f3 Nf6 23.Qb3 {and the threat of
24.c5 is quite annoying for Black.}) 22...Nd2 23.Qd3 Nxf1 24.Rxf1 Qd6
25.Nc2 Rac8 26.Nf4 Be4 27.Qb3 Bxc2 $6
{frengo: A dubious move: The
Black Bishop was more active than the White Knight. Probably for Black
it was time to play:} (27...Kh8 {which prepares an eventual e5, and in
any case removes the King from an exposed position.}) 28.Qxc2 e5
29.Nd5 $4 {frengo: If White wants to
play Nd5, he has to play the intermediate:} (29.Qb3 $1 {indeed
exploiting the Black King position (threat = c5+)}) 29...e4 $4
{geppoz: Also no words for this
It's never easy to "sac" your Queen :-)} 30.Qb3
{geppoz: Like a maniac
I still thought to the Black King. Here I thought to Nxb6 followed by
c5 frengo: White position is not so bad
after all. A pawn and a strong central Knight compensates at least
partially for the exchange.} Rc6 {frengo: (?) this is a blunder.
Definitely it was time to play 30...Kh8} (30...Kh8) 31.Nxb6 $4
{frengo: Maybe we could add to
this move a third "?" :-) Indeed, a part that after this move White
would be lost ofter 31...Rxb6, White had here the chance to take a big
advantage after the comparatively simple:} (31.Nb4
threatening both 32.Nxc6 and 32.c5+. Never execute a plan
"bullheaded", but stop after each move, and check that the plan and/or
its execution are right, that our opponent hadn't found adequate
countermoves, or hadn't offered us even better chances.}) 31...axb6 $4
{geppoz: Black should take with the rook
frengo: indeed} 32.c5+ Qe6
33.d5 Qf7 34.dxc6 Qxb3 35.axb3 bxc5 $2
{frengo: better resistence
would have offered} (35...Rc8 36.cxb6 Rxc6 37.b4 Rxb6 38.Rb1 Rb5
{frengo: this ending is quite difficult for
Black. White plus-pawn is
already "passed", and White Rook is BEHIND this pawn, and this is the
best case for the attacking player. Anyway the pawn is not too
advanced yet, and Black could try to resist, by blocking the pawn with
the King, and trying to activate as much as possible his Rook. And
what matters more, the played moves loses immediately, and it's always
better to try and make the road to winning the hardest for our
opponent.}) 36.Rc1 Rb8 37.Rxc5 (37.c7 $1
{frengo: This was more
precise and immediate. A funny variation could be:} Ra8 38.b4 $1 Kf7
39.b5 {and White pawn advances "pitilessly" :-)}) 37...Rxb3 38.g4 $1
Rb8 39.c7 Rc8 40.gxf5 Kf7 41.Kg2 Ke7 42.Kg3 Kd6 43.Rc3 Ke5 44.Kg4
{frengo: Black is almost in "zugzwang"} h6
45.h4 {Black Resigns
Final Considerations: from this game, it seems to result in too
much of a "schematic" vision of the game of chess by you. On the board
(as happens in Life), "We think in generalities, but we live in
details." (A.N. Withehead). So, having already made plans is
fundamental for a chessplayer, but we can't in any case leave out of
consideration the actual position, and our opponent's moves and
plans. You have to be always ready to elastically change the execution
of your idea, and eventually your whole plan, if your opponent
defended well, or gives you a new and better opportunity. Even if when
your opponent moves exactly as you planned, DON'T move
instantaneously, but stop for a second and check again for few
seconds: is it all right?. Moreover, from this game, a certain
"insecurity" in the calculations of variations appears, and
particularly of "little combinations": the remedy: play a lot, and
moreover try to solve as many tactical tests and exercises as
possible. See you on FICS, frengo:
*****Copyright freechess.org ***** Use this file for personal
use only.} 1-0
You may notice that variations go into ( )brackets, and
comments into { } brackets. Short and long castle is
represented respectively by O-O and O-O-O,
where O is a capital o and not a zero.
All commercial chess programs can handle PGN files. If you don't own
any of them there are several freeware/shareware programs available:
There are 2 ways to save the games you play on FICS in PGN format.
First of all many FICS client include a feature to save the games in
PGN format. You can refer to your client help file for further details
You can also have the games you play on FICS automatically emailed
in PGN format. In order to receive them in your mailbox you have to
issue the following instruction next time you connect to FICS:
If you wish to receive by email a game which is stored in your history
or in the history of another player you can use the
mailstored command.
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