November 2001
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FICS Upgrade

Several changes have been made to the FICS server in October. The 2 most notables ones are: Bughouse games are finally stored, and guests are only allowed public tells in channel 4. Among the minor changes the introduction of showownseek, and the removal of the match your_handle are particularly relevant.

There have been some changes to our beloved server in the month of October. Among the most notable are Bughouse Adjourn and Guests only being allowed to chat in channel 4. When new features or policies are introduced on FICS, there has usually been a news item to inform the general public. In addition, recently a new help file was added: help new_features is intended to keep important server changes all in one place, so that users don't have to keep sorting through literally hundreds of news items. If you're ever curious about what's new to FICS, it's now just a help file away.

The most requested new feature added in October is Bughouse Adjourn. In the past, if a player in a Bughouse match lost connection, that player's team forfeited the game regardless of the position or clocks. Now, the game is stored just like any other, with a few differences in handling to accommodate Bughouse's two-board, four-player format. Basically, if you lose connection in the middle of a Bughouse game, then reconnect, that game will appear in your stored list, but the handles of your and your opponent's partner will not. In order to solve this problem, the new command bugstored has been added. Bugstored helps buggers with their stored games by keeping track of who their partner and opponent's partner were. Unfortunately the resume command will not work to resume a Bughouse game, since the server doesn't check to make sure you have the correct partners, therefore you will have to match your opponent directly with the match command, using the information provided by bugstored. The server will take it from there. If the opponent accepts and you have the same partners, the Bughouse game will be automatically resumed.

Surely almost every FICSer has noticed by now the lack of guests in frequently-active channels. Due to spam attacks by very persistent abusers, unregistered users are no longer permitted to send public tells except to channel 4. Unregs can still send personal tells, but all of their communications are limited to 200 characters as opposed to the 1024 character limit on registered users. FICS Administrators emphasize that this is only a temporary situation, and more effective methods of spam prevention will be implemented hopefully in the near future.

A few minor modifications have been made too. First of all if you want the server to show you your own seeks when you use the sought command, you'll have to set your variable showownseek to 1. An easy alternative way to see your own seeks is to use the command sought all instead of sought. This will show you all seeks regardless of your formula or rating.

Finally match your_handle no longer works to enter examine mode. You will have to use examine

Remember you can keep abreast of all the important changes to FICS by reading help new_features and keeping an eye out for news items.

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