November 2001
Presented by:
The FICS SR Team

FICS Tournaments

  Nightly 5 0 Tournaments Series

The Nightly 5 0 tourney runs every day at 7pm server time. Feel free to come on in and join the fun! Stats for each week are kept and available at the Nightly's website thanks to wysknight(TM).

  Tornei Italian Online (TIO)

The FICS Tornei Italian Online (TIO) tourney is played on our server every Wednesday promptly at 13:15 server time (US Pacific). Don't be fooled by its name; this tournament is open to everyone. For more information please check out the TIO's Webpage A collection of games played in the TIO's is also available.

  Weekly Mamer Schedule

The mamer scheduled tournaments for the month of november are:

Week Day Time Format manager
Nightly 19:00 5 0, SS/5 TBA
Sunday 11:15 45 5, Din/3 Superintellect
Monday 09:30 10 0, SS/3-5 Giampy
Tuesday 15:00 30 0, Din/3 TBA
Wednesday 09:15 4 0, SS/3-5 Marshallman
Wednesday 13:15 (TI0) 4 0, SS/7 Giampy/davidone
Wednesday 17:00 20 0, SS/3 Superintellect
Thursday 15:00 15 0, SS/3-5 TBA
Friday 14:00 3 0, SS/3-6 TBA
Saturday 08:00 5 0, sui SS/5 TBA
Saturday 09:00 20 5, SS/3-4 Nemisis
TBA = To Be Announced
Time is Server Time (GMT-8)

Introduction to crazyhouse | Upgrades | Onlinetours | The 45 0 Team League | FICS Championship | Puzzles | Beyond FICS | The Academy | ServerTip | Credits