November 2001
Presented by:
The FICS SR Team

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Thanks to FICS' new puzzle account Eric(TD), we have a brand new section in the newsletter. Each month a new set of puzzles will be posted along with the solutions to last month's puzzles. If you would like to submit a solution to any of this month's puzzles, please send a server message to Eric from your registered account. All registered human accounts are welcome to play. Enjoy!
  November 2001 Puzzles.

Puzzle #5:
Black to move and mate in 3

Puzzle #6:
White to move and mate in 3

  Solutions of September 2001 Puzzles.

Puzzle #3: 1.Kf5 NxR 2. Kg5 N~ 3. Nc7

Puzzle #4: 1.e7 f5 2.qxb kxq 3.rxf5 ke4 4.f3

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