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New Hope
Mn 55427


Usage: whisper message 

  If you are playing a game, the message will be sent to observers of your
game.  If you are not playing a game, the message will be sent to observers of
the 'primary' game in your observation queue.  (For details on the primary
queue, read "help primary".)

  Note that the message is to the observers of a game but NOT to the players. 
For this reason, using whisper (rather than kibitz) is a more polite way of
discussing a game with other observers without having your message heard by
the two players.  (Only users with a 'kiblevel' variable setting might not
receive your message.)

  You must be observing or playing a game in order to use this command.

  The standard alias for "whisper" is '#'.

See Also:  alias  censor  intro_talking  kibitz  kiblevel  primary  variable 
xkibitz  xwhisper

[Last modified: August 9, 1997 -- Friar]

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