v_rated (OBSOLETE)
The 'rated' variable sets the default type of match for your match request --
either rated or unrated. If your 'rated' variable is zero ('false' or 'off'),
the default will be "unrated". If your 'rated' variable is non-zero (whether
a number, 'true' or 'on'), the default will be rated. For example, if Rated =
1 ("set rated 1") and you "match user" the match request will assume a rated
match. Thus, "match user" would be the same as "match user rated".
You can override the default seting for rated with a specific request. For
example, if rated = 0 but you request "match user rated", your request will be
for a rated game.
Reminder: The 'rated' setting affects your match requests only, not offers
made to you. However, the 'rated' variable setting is also used in
conjunction with the 'ropen' variable to reject match requests offered to you
(see "help v_ropen"). You can also use a formula for this purpose.
(a) this variable is now obsolete, and you should use your formula to filter
on "ratedness" criteria.
See Also: formula match set variables v_ropen
[Last modified: March 10, 1996 -- Friar]