This variable affects the format in which games are emailed to you. If your
'pgn' variable is non-zero (whether a number, 'true' or 'on'), the server
emails games to you in PGN (Portable Game Notation) format. If zero,
regular, column format will be used. Games emailed by both the "automail"
variable and the "mailstored" command are affected.
Regular, column format looks like this:
Master (2037) vs. guestt (UNR) --- Sun Mar 23, 3:28 CST 1997
Unrated Standard match, initial time: 10 minutes, increment: 10 seconds.
Move Vampyr guestt
---- ---------------- ----------------
1. e4 (0:04) e6 (0:12)
2. d4 (0:04) d5 (0:47)
3. Nc3 (0:05) Nf6 (0:02)
4. e5 (0:02) Nfd7 (0:02)
5. f4 (0:02) c5 (0:02)
6. Be3 (0:18) Nc6 (0:01)
7. Nf3 (0:09) Qb6 (0:07)
PGN format looks like this:
[Event "fics unrated standard game"]
[Site "fics, Oklahoma City, OK USA"]
[Date "1997.03.23"]
[Time "03:28:05"]
[Round "-"]
[White "Master"]
[Black "guestt"]
[WhiteElo "2037"]
[BlackElo "0"]
[TimeControl "600+10"]
[Mode "ICS"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. f4 c5 6. Be3 Nc6 7. Nf3 [etc.]
See Also: mailstored set variables v_automail
[Last modified: May 28, 1997 -- Friar]