This variable allows you to indicate that you are open for a bughouse
partnership. Only users with bughouse set to 1 can receive partnership offers
by the "partner" command. Also, users with bugopen set to 1 will be listed by
the "bugwho u" command -- unpartnered.
To change your bugopen setting, use the "set" command. For example ...
set bugopen 1 [sets you available for partnerships]
set bugopen 0 [sets you unavailable for partnerships]
If you are currently in a bughouse partnership, and are not playing a
bughouse game, "set bughouse 0" will unpartner you automatically. You cannot
do this while you are playing a bughouse game, however.
Issuing a partnership offer by using the partner command also sets your
bugopen variable to 1.
See Also: bughouse bugwho partner set
[Last modified: August 5, 1997 -- Friar]