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system aliases

There are many system aliases that everyone has by default; you do not need
to set them up, they are already there. Where more than one alias for the
same command are available, all are listed.

a             accept $@                                          Short form of accept                                             
ame           allobservers $m                                    List all obsevers of your game                                   
answer        tell 1 (answering $1): $2-                         used by SR and admins to identify who is being replied in chan 1.
answer4       tell 4 (answering $1): $2-                         used by SR and admins to identify who is being replied in chan 4.
at            accept t $@                                        Short for of accept t, t = a number of pending offer.            
b             backward $@                                        Moves backward when examining a game.                            
bu            bugwho $@                                          Lists players with bug open set.                                 
bug           bugwho $@                                          Lists players with bug open set.                                 
bye           quit                                               Logs you off the server.                                         
clearboard    bsetup                                             Will enter setup mode with an empty board.                       
Cls           help                                               Display basic help file list.                                    
cm            clearmessages $@                                   Clears messages.                                                 
d             decline $@                                         Short form of decline.                                           
dt            decline t $@                                       Short for of decline t, t = a number of pending offer.           
g             games $@                                           Lists Games being played or examend right now.                   
e             examine $@                                         Enters exam mode.                                                
exit          quit                                               Logs you off the server.                                         
exl           examine $m -1                                      enters exam mode                                                 
f             finger $@                                          shows finger notes.                                              
fi            finger $@                                          shows finger notes.                                              
fo            forward $@                                         Move forward while in exam mode.                                 
fop           finger  $o $@                                      Shows finger notes of a user                                     
fp            finger $p $@                                       Shows finger notes of a partner                                  
f.            finger $. $@                                       Shows finger notes of user you last sent a tell too.             
gf            getgame $@f                                        get a game using defaults                                        
gfm           getgame $@fm                                       Gets a game using formula                                        
gm            getgame $@m                                        Gets a game                                                      
got           goboard $@                                         in a simul match, move to a given player's board                 
goto          goboard $@                                         in a simul match, move to a given player's board                 
h             help $@                                            Displays a list of basic help files                              
hi            history $@                                         Displays your history                                            
ho            history $o                                         Displays history or something                                    
hp            history $p                                         Displays history or something                                    
hr            hrank $@                                           Would show your rank humans only.                                
in            inchannel $@                                       Shows a list of channels you are in.                             
i             it $@                                              For shouts to main.                                              
ivars         ivariables $@                                      shows you interface variable settings.                           
jl            jsave $1 $m -1                                     Save games to your journel                                       
lec           xtell lecturebot! $@                               Used for talking to lecturebot                                   
logout        quit                                               alternative to exit.                                             
m             match $@                                           Short form of match.                                             
ma            match $@                                           some other thing with match.                                     
mailold       mailstored $@ -1                                   Emails games to self.                                            
mailoldme     mailstored $m -1                                   Emails games to self.                                            
mailoldmoves  mailstored $@ -1                                   again, Emails game to self.                                      
mam           xtell mamer! $@                                    Used for sending tells to mamer, the tourney bot.                
mb            xtell mailbot! $@                                  SR and admin only. For talking to mailbot.                       
more          next                                               When file being displayed reaches the hight var, it is split. Use
                                                                 more to view the next section.                                   
motd          help motd                                          Displays Message Of The Day.                                     
n             next $@                                            Alternate to more.                                               
new           news $@                                            displays latest news items.                                      
o             observe $@                                         Observe mode.                                                    
ol            smoves $@ -1                                       display the moves of a stored, history or journal game.          
old           smoves $@ -1                                       display the moves of a stored, history or journal game.          
oldme         smoves $m -1                                       display the moves of a stored, history or journal game.          
oldmoves      smoves $@ -1                                       display the moves of a stored, history or journal game.          
p             who a$@                                            List of players.                                                 
pl            who a$@                                            List of players.                                                 
player        who a$@                                            List of players.                                                 
players       who a$@                                            List of players.                                                 
q             tell $m The command 'quit' cannot be abbreviated.  Will send you this tell if you try to use q to quit.             
qu            tell $m The command 'quit' cannot be abbreviated.  Will send you this tell if you try to use q to quit.             
qui           tell $m The command 'quit' cannot be abbreviated.  Will send you this tell if you try to use q to quit.             
r             refresh $@                                         Short form of refresh.                                           
re            refresh $@                                         Short form of refresh.                                           
rem           rematch                                            Offers a rematch using the same paramiters as the last game.     
res           resign $@                                          resigns the current game.                                        
rping         xtell ROBOadmin! Ping                              Used to check your current ping time.                            
saa           simallabort                                        To abort a simulation match.                                     
saab          simallabort                                        TO abort a simulation match.                                     
saadj         simalladjourn                                      Will atempt to adjourn a simulation match.                       
sab           simabort $@                                        Another abort simulation alias.                                  
sadj          simadjourn $@                                      Another adjourn simulation alias.                                
setup         bsetup $@                                          Enters setup mode.                                               
sh            shout $@                                           Sends shout to main.                                             
sn            simnext                                            Moves to next board, when in a simulation.                       
sp            simprev                                            Moves to previous board, when in a simulation.                   
sping         ping $1                                            Alternate to rping. Use rping to avoid time not available message.
stats         statistics $@                                      Displays yours and sever wide stats on rateings.                 
t             tell $@                                            Short form of tell.                                              
td            xtell SuperTD! $@                                  Appears to be missing this one ?????????                         
vars          variables $@                                       Displays your variables.                                         
w             who $@                                             Who command.                                                     
worst         rank 0 $1                                          lists worst players in blitz, standard, and lightning.           
wt            withdraw t $@                                      To withdraw form a tourney.                                      
ungetgame     unseek                                             to cancel getgame.                                               
znotl         znotify $@                                         Displays or adds people to your notify list.                     
.             tell . $@                                          Sends tell to last player you sent a tell to.                    
,             tell , $@                                          Sends tell to last player you sent a tell too.                   
`             tell . $@                                          Sends tell to last player you sent a tell to.                    
!             shout $@                                           Short form of shout command.                                     
:             it $@                                              Alternate to I or it.                                            
^             cshout $@                                          Used to make a cshout.                                           
?             help $@                                            Displays basic help files.                                       
*             kibitz $@                                          Used for kibitz during games.                                    
#             whisper $@                                         Used for whisper during games.                                   
+             addlist $@                                         add an item to a list.                                           
-             sublist $@                                         Remove an item from a list.                                      
=             showlist $@                                        Display contents of a list.                                      
p+            ptell p+ $@                                        Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
p++           ptell p++ $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
p+++          ptell p+++ $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
p-            ptell p- $@                                        Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
p--           ptell p-- $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
p---          ptell p--- $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
n+            ptell n+ $@                                        Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
n++           ptell n++ $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
n+++          ptell n+++ $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
n-            ptell n- $@                                        Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
n--           ptell n-- $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
n---          ptell n--- $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
b+            ptell b+ $@                                        Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
b++           ptell b++ $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
b+++          ptell b+++ $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
b-            ptell b- $@                                        Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
b--           ptell b-- $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
b---          ptell b--- $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
r+            ptell r+ $@                                        Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
r++           ptell r++ $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
r+++          ptell r+++ $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
r-            ptell r- $@                                        Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
r--           ptell r-- $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
r---          ptell r--- $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
q+            ptell q+ $@                                        Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
q++           ptell q++ $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
q+++          ptell q+++ $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
q-            ptell q- $@                                        Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
q--           ptell q-- $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
q---          ptell q--- $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
h+            ptell h+ $@                                        Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
h++           ptell h++ $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
h+++          ptell h+++ $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
h-            ptell h- $@                                        Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
h--           ptell h-- $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
h---          ptell h--- $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
d+            ptell d+ $@                                        Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
d++           ptell d++ $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
d+++          ptell d+++ $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
d-            ptell d- $@                                        Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
d--           ptell d-- $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
d---          ptell d--- $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
sit           ptell sit! $@                                      Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
nosit         ptell go! $@                                       Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
mateme        ptell $1 mates me! $@                              Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         
mates         ptell $1 mates $o! $@                              Send a tell to partner in bughouse game.                         

Other system aliases are added from time to time. The help files for the
different commands will have the most updated information.


alias unalias


Created: 2 February 2004 wiggy

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Last modified: Sun Feb 11 14:27:58 GMT Standard Time 2007