FICS - Free Internet Chess Server
8708 31ST Ave N
New Hope
Mn 55427

                               ***** STC *****
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                     S T C   B U N C H   on   F I C S

                 Slow Time Control Chess on the Internet
                 Please feel free to visit our website:

          ''  or,

The Mission of the STC BUNCH is simply to provide a way for players on the
internet who like to play a leisurely and thoughtful game of Chess, the means
and opportunity to meet with and be in the company of others who enjoy slow
chess. It is our goal to support these players through fellowship, friendship,
a comparison ratings service, a monthly newsletter, email exchange, and the
very best available technology deployed to service the membership.

The STC BUNCH, one of the oldest and most highly respected Chess clubs on the
internet, had its beginnings almost a decade ago when StarCapt recognized the
need and the desire of the players, and began the club with eighteen members
of various playing strength. Over the years, the club has grown to its present
day size of almost one thousand members, and runs the skill level gamut from
International Masters to enthusiastic beginners.

The STC BUNCH originated many of the features which are so common today on the
various chess servers, such as tournaments for slow time control players on
Sundays at Game in 45 with a 5 second increment (G45/5), one game per week
flagship tournaments such as MayMania and the STC BUNCH World Championships,
standard round robin quads and combination knockout and Wild Card Swiss
sectional tournaments.

                        Cost/Benefits of Membership
                        o no cost or fees of any kind
                        o bi-monthly newsletter
                        o weekly tournaments
                        o semi annual major events
                        o comparative ratings service
                        o email convenience scheduling
                        o publicity for good results
                        o fierce competition among members
                        o fine sportsmanship and fellowship
                        o our own channel, CH 90 for finding
                          others willing to play STC
                        o special club days and nights
                          each week

Feel free to contribute information for the news articles, and educational
pieces for the other readers of this web site. There is no charge for any of
the services which are currently being provided here, nor will there be any
fees collected or paid for writing contributions to this site. The web is one
of those magical places, where people of common interest and intellect, can
gather together and place their talent on display for the entire world to see.

Join us, and contribute your time and expertise!! Join us and enjoy our Art
form!! Develop your talent and the talents of others. You'll not only be a
Happy Chess player, but you will be Happy Too!

                         STC Days and NIghts on FICS
           STC BUNCH SUNDAY 3 SS G/45 5 TOURNAMENT 1pm-6pm Eastern
                      Thursdays -- 6PM-Midnight Centra
                              Standard USA Time
                            (Chicago, USA) Time.
                     Or, Midnight-6am GMT (London, England)

Leader Emeritus
Thursday, 09/05/2002

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Last modified: Sun Feb 11 14:27:58 GMT Standard Time 2007