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New Hope
Mn 55427

Usage: observe player | game | /l | /b | /s | /S | /w | /z | /B | /L | /x

The "observe" command lets you view a game as it is being played, updating
the board as the players move.


player: Observe the game being played by the listed user
game:   Observe the given game number
/l:     Observe the highest rated lightning game
/b:     Observe the highest rated blitz game
/s:     Observe the highest rated standard game
/S:     Observe the highest rated suicide game
/w:     Observe the highest rated wild game
/z:     Observe the highest rated crazyhouse game
/B:     Observe the highest rated bughouse game
/L:     Observe the highest rated losers game
/x:     Observe the highest rated atomic game


You can give either the name of any player in the game, the game number, or
the game type. When observing a game, you will receive an updated board
position and game information each time a move is made. When a game you are
observing ends you will be given the result of the game.

You can observe more than one game at once. However, only one game is
considered to be the primary game you are observing. Which game is primary
has implications for various commands.

You cannot observe a private game.

Use the "unobserve" command to remove a game (or all games) from your
observation list.

Use "allobservers" to see who is observing a game (or all games) in progress.


Some commands are more suited to particular types of observation then just
using "observe"

follow:     Use "follow" to automatically observe games of a user as they
simobserve: Use "simobserve" to observe all simul games being played by a
            simul player.
pobserve:   Use "pobserve" to observe the game of a bughouse partner.


observe 50
     adds game 50 to your observation list
observe pgv
     adds pgv's game to your observation list
observe /S
     adds the highest rated Suicide game to your observation list


allobservers follow       games        pobserve     primary      private      
simobserve   simuls       unobserve    v_private    


Created: 15 February 1998 Friar
Last Modified: 30 December 2007 mhill

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Last modified: Sun Feb 11 14:27:58 GMT Standard Time 2007