This is the FICS "usage" manual. It contains all of the "usage" texts that
are displayed when the command a user types is misformatted. The general
structure of each "usage" entry is as follows:
Command: <command>
Purpose: <purpose>
Usage: <usage>
Examples: <example>
This usage manual will be updated as soon as possible when new commands for
users and/or new features of commands go online.
[Last modified: June 10, 1998 -- Friar]
Command: abort
Purpose: to request that the game be cancelled
Usage: abort
Examples: abort
Command: accept
Purpose: agree to an offer made by a user or opponent
Usage: accept [1-n, all, abort, adjourn, draw, match, pause, player,
simul, switch, takeback]
Examples: accept; accept 2; accept draw; accept Shane
Command: addlist
Purpose: add information to a list
Usage: addlist list information
Alt: +list information
Examples: addlist noplay Friar; +noplay Friar
Command: adjourn
Purpose: to request an adjournment of a game; courtesy_adjourn when
opponent is out of time and may have lag problems
Usage: adjourn
Examples: adjourn
Command: alias
Purpose: set/edit personal command alias; review alias or all aliases
Usage: alias [word [string]]
Examples: alias; alias t1; alias t1 tell 1 @
Command: allobservers
Purpose: list users currently observing games on the server
Usage: allobservers [game,user]
Examples: allobservers; allobservers 43; allobservers Hawk
Command: assess
Purpose: calculate expected changes to ratings from a chess match
Usage: assess [game# | user1 [user2 [lightning|blitz|standard|wild]]]
Examples: assess; assess 23; assess Sparky; assess DAV Thanatos;
assess DAV Thanatos standard
Command: backward
Purpose: move backward in the game sequence as you examine a game
Usage: backward [#] [default: 1]
Examples: backward; backward 2
Command: bell
Purpose: toggles your 'bell' variable on/off (1/0)
Usage: bell
Examples: bell
Command: best
Purpose: list the 20 highest rated players in the ratings categories
Usage: best [b|s|l|w|B] [default: bsl]
Examples: best; best s
Command: boards
Purpose: list available positions for starting a game
Usage: boards [category]
Examples: boards; boards openings
Command: bsetup
Purpose: begin bsetup mode and execute special bsetup commands
Usage: bsetup [command]
Examples: bsetup; bsetup wild 5; bsetup start; bsetup clear; bsetup done
Command: bugwho
Purpose: lists current bughouse games, partnerships and available partners
Usage: bugwho [g|p|u]
Examples: bugwho; bugwho g; bugwho pu
Command: cbest
Purpose: displays 20 highest-rated computer players by chess category
Usage: cbest [b|s|l|w|B|S] [default: bsl]
Examples: cbest; cbest s
Command: clrsquare
Purpose: used in setup mode in order to empty a square (make it blank)
Usage: clrsquare square
Examples: clrsquare e4; clrsquare h6
Command: clearmessages
Purpose: delete one or more stored messages from your message file
Usage: clearmessages user|#|m-n|* [* will clear all messages]
Examples: clearmessages Solid; clearmessages 8; clearmessages 3-7;
clearmessages *
Command: copygame
Purpose: copy a game so that it can be examined
Usage: copygame [user_name|number|o]
Examples: copygame Sparky; copygame 7; copygame o; copygame
Command: crank
Purpose: displays rank (excluding computer accounts) for a player or
range of players
Usage: crank [user [b][s][l][w][B][S]] -OR- crank m-n [b][s][l][w][B][S]
-OR- crank m [b][s][l][w][B][S]] [default: bsl]
Examples: crank; crank 50-100; crank 1800; crank s; crank cyee bs
Command: cshout
Purpose: send message to users who are open to receive cshouts
Usage: cshout message
Examples: cshout Anyone for 2 5 rated?
Command: date
Purpose: lists both local date/time at the server and GMT date/time
Usage: date
Examples: date
Command: decline
Purpose: decline (turn down) an offer made to you by a user
Usage: decline [1-n, all, abort, adjourn, draw, match, pause, player,
simul, switch, takeback]
Examples: decline; decline 2; decline draw; decline cyee
Command: draw
Purpose: requests (or accepts) a draw offer; it may include a move
Usage: draw [move]
Examples: draw; draw Kf7
Command: eco
Purpose: display the type of opening used in the chess game
Usage: eco [game, name, e <eco code>, n <nic code>]
Examples: eco; eco 23; eco Clovis; eco e A5; eco n FR.04
Command: examine
Purpose: start or review a game under examination mode
Usage: examine [player1 [player2, game_number, journal_slot]
Examples: examine; examine river; examine TheDane sms; examine McKeork 7;
examine loon F
Command: finger
Purpose: display ratings and/or notes about yourself or another user
Usage: finger [user] [r][n]
Examples: finger; finger TheViking; finger TheViking r; finger TheViking n
Command: flag
Purpose: claim a win when your opponent has run out of time
Usage: flag
Examples: flag
Command: flip
Purpose: toggles board display between White-at-bottom and White-at-top
Usage: flip
Examples: flip
Command: fmessage
Purpose: forward a message to a user
Usage: fmessages user message_# [use # from your message list]
Examples: fmessage DAV 3
Command: follow
Purpose: Automatically observe all of a user's games, or cancel this
Usage: follow user; follow
Examples: follow Binford; follow
Command: forward
Purpose: move forward in a sequence of moves in a game being examined
Usage: forward [#] [default: 1]
Examples: forward; forward 2
Command: games
Purpose: display information about games currently in progress
Usage: games [#, /[bBelsuw], string] [default: all games]
Examples: games; games 23; games sv; games sveshi; games /B; games /lw
Command: goboard
Purpose: in a simul match, move to a given player's board
Usage: goboard player|#
Examples: goboard Shaughn; goboard 7
Command: handles
Purpose: lists registered handles beginning with a certain string
Usage: handles [string]
Examples: handles; handles g
Command: hbest
Purpose: displays 20 highest-rated human players by chess category
Usage: hbest [b|s|l|w|B|S] [default: bsl]
Examples: hbest; hbest s
Command: help
Purpose: read a help file
Usage: help [string]
Examples: help; help match
Command: history
Purpose: displays results of your or another user's recent games
Usage: history [user]
Examples: history; history Rattlesnake
Command: hrank
Purpose: displays rank (excluding computer accounts) for a player or
range of players
Usage: hrank [user [b][s][l][w][B][S]] -OR- hrank m-n [b][s][l][w][B][S]
-OR- hrank m [b][s][l][w][B][S]] [default: bsl]
Examples: hrank; hrank 50-100; hrank 1800; hrank s; hrank cyee bs
Command: inchannel
Purpose: lists the channels a user is in, or who is in a given channel, or
all users in all channels
Usage: inchannel [user|number]
Examples: inchannel; inchannel Solid; inchannel 1
Command: it
Purpose: send message to users open to receive shouts
Usage: it message
Examples: it thinks internet chess is wonderful!
Command: jkill
Purpose: erase games from your journal
Usage: jkill slot
Examples: jkill A; jkill L
Command: journal
Purpose: display contents of a journal
Usage: journal [handle]
Examples: journal; journal DAV
Command: jsave
Purpose: save games to your journal
Usage: jsave slot [game_number | user_name [game_number | journal_slot |
Examples: jsave A; jsave D 34; jsave F Friar 3; jsave C Sparky L;
jsave J jross bozky
Command: kibitz
Purpose: send message to all players and observers of a chess match
Usage: kibitz message
Examples: kibitz What about Bxc6???
Command: limits
Purpose: display current server limits and settings
Usage: limits
Examples: limits
Command: llogons
Purpose: lists recent logons and logoffs for the server
Usage: llogons
Examples: llogons
Command: logons
Purpose: lists recent logons/logoffs for the user
Usage: logons [user]
Examples: logons
Command: mailhelp
Purpose: email a help file to you (or show files that can be emailed)
Usage: mailhelp [filename]
Examples: mailhelp; mailhelp intro_welcome
Command: mailmess
Purpose: email your stored messages to you
Usage: mailmess
Examples: mailmess
Command: mailmess
Purpose: email 1 or more of your your stored messages to you
Usage: mailmess [user|#|#-#]
Examples: mailmess; mailmess fpawn; mailmess 4; mailmess 7-11
Command: mailoldmoves
Purpose: email to you the moves from a completed game
Usage: mailoldmoves [user]
Examples: mailoldmoves; mailoldmoves loon
[NOTE: mailstored is a better command to use]
Command: mailsource
Purpose: email to you a sourcecode file -OR- list sourcecode files
Usage: mailsource [filename]
Examples: mailsource formula.c
Command: mailstored
Purpose: email a stored, history or journal game to you
Usage: mailstored player1 [#, player2, journal_slot]
Examples: mailstored Len; mailstored Len 87; mailstored Len fpawn;
mailstored Len K
Command: match
Purpose: challenge a user to a chess match
Usage: match user [rated|unrated] [Start] [Inc] [Black_Start Black_Inc]
[White|Black] [board_category board]
Examples: match foxbat; match Marsalis 2 15 u
Command: messages
Purpose: display 1 or more stored messages -OR- send a message to a user
Usage: messages [user [text]|#|m-n]
Examples: messages; messages Shane; messages Ramius Thanks for your help!;
messages 13; messages 2-9
Command: mexamine
Purpose: allow another user to examine a game with you
Usage: mexamine user
Examples: mexamine connex
Command: moretime
Purpose: add more seconds to your opponent's clock
Usage: moretime seconds
Examples: moretime 90
Command: moves
Purpose: displays moves to a current game
Usage: moves [game,user]
Examples: moves; moves 56; moves Cthulhu
Command: news
Purpose: list recent news items -OR- display details of a news item
Usage: news [all|#[-#]]
Examples: news; news all; news 11; news 35-50
Command: next
Purpose: display further information from a long text file
Usage: next
Examples: next
Command: observe
Purpose: add (or remove) a game from your observation list (toggles ON/OFF)
Usage: observe game|user
Examples: observe 34; observe GMAnand
Command: oldmoves
Purpose: display moves of the user's last played chess match
Usage: oldmoves [user]
Examples: oldmoves; oldmoves TheDane
[NOTE: smoves is a better command to use]
Command: open
Purpose: toggles your open variable on/off (1/0)
Usage: open
Examples: open
Command: partner
Purpose: ask a user to be your bughouse partner
Usage: partner handle
Examples: partner Rattlesnake
Command: password
Purpose: change your current server password to a new password
Usage: password oldpassword newpassword
Examples: password old new
Command: pause
Purpose: requests (or accepts) a pause during a chess match
Usage: pause
Examples: pause
Command: pending
Purpose: lists all your non-declined offers from and made to users
Usage: pending
Examples: pending
Command: pfollow
Purpose: Automatically observe all of a user's partner's bughouse games.
Usage: pfollow user; pfollow
Examples: pfollow Binford; pfollow
Command: play
Purpose: respond to a seek ad that has been placed
Usage: play #|user
Examples: play 3; play hersco
Command: pobserve
Purpose: observe bughouse games of a user's partner
Usage: pobserve user
Examples: pobserve GMAnand
Command: prefresh
Purpose: refresh (display) your bughouse partner's game
Usage: prefresh
Examples: prefresh
Command: primary
Purpose: designate which game is 'primary' for purposes of observation
Usage: primary name|#
Examples: primary DAV; primary 21
Command: promote
Purpose: set the piece a pawn will be promoted to at the back rank
Usage: promote {q,r,b,[kn]}
Examples: promote q; promote b
Command: pstat
Purpose: display previous results between two users
Usage: pstat [user1 [user2]]
Examples: pstat; pstat Sparky; pstat DAV Thanatos;
Command: ptell
Purpose: send a message to your bughouse partner
Usage: ptell string
Examples: ptell Can you get me a pawn?
Command: ptime
Purpose: display the clock times in your bughouse partner's game
Usage: ptime
Examples: ptime
Command: quit
Purpose: exit the server (when you are not playing a match)
Usage: quit
Examples: quit
Command: rank
Purpose: display rank for user, rating or range of users by rank
Usage: rank [user [b][s][l][w][B][S]] -OR- rank m-n [b][s][l][w][B][S] -OR-
rank m [b][s][l][w][B][S]] [default: bsl]
Examples: rank; rank zippy; rank 50-100; rank 1800; rank sB
Command: refresh
Purpose: display the position and time of a game you are involved with
Usage: refresh [game|name]
Examples: refresh; refresh 45; refresh IanO
Command: resign
Purpose: give your opponent the win in your current (or stored) game
Usage: resign [name]
Examples: resign; resign Sparky
Command: resume
Purpose: challenge all online users of your adjourned games
Usage: resume
Examples: resume
Command: revert
Purpose: return to the mainline of a chess game being examined (analyzed)
Usage: revert
Examples: revert
Command: say
Purpose: sends a message to your current or most recent opponent
Usage: say message
Examples: say I have terrible lag right now <sigh>.
Command: seek
Purpose: place an ad for a certain type of chess match
Usage: seek [time inc] [rated|unrated] [white|black] [w#] [auto|manual]
[formula] [rating-range]
Examples: seek; seek 5; seek 2 12; seek u; seek w; seek w2; seek m; seek f;
seek 1800-2100; seek 10 20 r b m f 2000-2200
Command: set
Purpose: fix a value of a variable or line in your finger notes
Usage: set variable_name [value]
Examples: set shout 0; set time 5; set inc 0; set formula !wild && rated;
set 1 G'day! I'm Mark from Perth, Australia.
Command: shout
Purpose: send message to all users open to receive shouts
Usage: shout message
Examples: shout Time to go! Bye-bye!!!
Command: showlist
Purpose: display users who are on special lists
Usage: showlist [list_name]
Alt: =[list_name]
Examples: showlist; =; showlist computers; =computers
Command: simabort
Purpose: used in simuls to request (or accept) an abort of a game
Usage: simabort
Examples: simabort
Command: simadjourn
Purpose: used in simuls to request (or accept) an adjournment of a game
Usage: simadjourn
Examples: simadjourn
Command: simallabort
Purpose: used in simuls to abort all games in progress
Usage: simallabort
Examples: simallabort
Command: simalladjourn
Purpose: used in simuls to adjourn all games in progress
Usage: simalladjourn
Examples: simalladjourn
Command: simgames
Purpose: display the number of simul games you or another user are in
Usage: simgames [player]
Examples: simgames; simgames river
Command: simmatch
Purpose: used to request a game in a simul event
Usage: simmatch player
Examples: simmatch connex
Command: simnext
Purpose: used in simuls to move to the next board in the simul
Usage: simnext
Examples: simnext
Command: simobserve
Purpose: observe games of a simul holder
Usage: simobserve user
Examples: simobserve GMAnand
Command: simopen
Purpose: sets yourself open to receive simul challenges
Usage: simopen
Examples: simopen
Command: simpass
Purpose: used in simuls to pass when the simul player reaches your board
Usage: simpass
Examples: simpass
Command: simprev
Purpose: used in simuls to move to the previous board
Usage: simprev
Examples: simprev
Command: smoves
Purpose: display the moves of a stored, history or journal game
Usage: smoves UserA [#, UserB, journal_slot]
Examples: smoves TheDane; smoves TheDane 87; smoves TheDane bozky;
smoves TheDane J
Command: smposition
Purpose: display both position and moves for a stored, history or journal
Usage: smposition user_a [user_b|history#|journal_slot]
Examples: smposition Len; smposition Len Loon; smposition Len 86;
smposition Len B
Command: sought
Purpose: display seek ads, either all ads or just those you qualify for
Usage: sought [all]
Examples: sought; sought all
Command: sposition
Purpose: display position for a stored, history or journal game
Usage: sposition user_a [user_b|history#|journal_slot]
Examples: sposition Len; sposition Len Loon; sposition Len 86;
sposition Len B
Command: statistics
Purpose: display summary information about ratings of server players
Usage: statistics [user]
Examples: statistics
Command: stored
Purpose: list your or another user's stored (adjourned) games
Usage: stored [user]
Examples: stored; stored Marsalis
Command: style
Purpose: set the style variable for the board display
Usage: style n
Examples: style 12
Command: sublist
Purpose: removes information from the given list
Usage: sublist list information
Alt: -list information
Examples: sublist notify Friar; -notify Friar
Command: switch
Purpose: requests (or accepts) switching sides with your opponent
Usage: switch
Examples: switch
Command: takeback
Purpose: requests (or accepts) taking back one or more moves in a game
Usage: takeback [n] [default: 1]
Examples: takeback; takeback 2
Command: tell
Purpose: send a message to an individual user
Usage: tell user message
Examples: tell mann How do I set up xboard?
Command: time
Purpose: displays the current clock time for a game in progress
Usage: time [game, user]
Examples: time; time 45; time Hawk
Command: tomove
Purpose: used in setup mode in order to designate which side will move next
Usage: tomove white|black
Examples: tomove white; tomove black
Command: unalias
Purpose: removes a personal alias you had created previously
Usage: unalias word
Examples: unalias chal; unalias t1
Command: unexamine
Purpose: stop your examination of a game
Usage: unexamine
Examples: unexamine
Command: unobserve
Purpose: remove a game (or all games) from your observation list
Usage: unobserve [game,user]
Examples: unobserve 25; unobserve GMKasparov; unobserve (removes all games)
Command: unpause
Purpose: restarts the clocks for a game that had been paused
Usage: unpause
Examples: unpause
Command: unseek
Purpose: remove a seek ad (or all seek ads) that you have placed
Usage: unseek [#]
Examples: unseek; unseek 5
Command: uptime
Purpose: displays some server statistics, such as time in operation
Usage: uptime
Examples: uptime
Command: ustat
Purpose: display server statistics for last 24 hour period
Usage: ustat
Examples: ustat
Command: variables
Purpose: display the variable settings for yourself or another user
Usage: variables [user]
Examples: variables; variables McKeork
Command: whenshut
Purpose: display whether a shutdown is in progress and, if so, when it will
Usage: whenshut
Examples: whenshut
Command: whisper
Purpose: send a message to observers of a game but NOT to the players
Usage: whisper message
Examples: whisper But why can't White just take the pawn?!
Command: who
Purpose: lists all or a subset of current users on the server
Usage: who [o][r][f][a][R][U][s][b][w][L][A][l][t][v][n][#i#j][B]
Examples: who; who 19; who s; who a; who B; who as; who asA; who a15
Command: withdraw
Purpose: remove an offer you had previously made to another user
Usage: withdraw [1-n, all, abort, adjourn, draw, match, pause, player,
simul, switch, takeback]
Examples: withdraw 3; withdraw pause; withdraw Shaughn
Command: xkibitz
Purpose: send a message to a game, regardless of 'primary' setting
Usage: xkibitz name|# message
Examples: xkibitz sms Nb4 works; xkibitz 34 Dead draw now.
Command: xtell
Purpose: send a message to a user, but not affect current "tell" setting
Usage: xtell user message
Examples: xtell sms Thanks for your help!
Command: xwhisper
Purpose: send a message to observers of a game, regardless of 'primary'
Usage: xwhisper name|# message
Examples: xwhisper sms Nb4 works; xkibitz 34 Dead draw now.
Command: znotify
Purpose: display current users on your notify list, and users for whom you
are on their notify lists, with idle times (unless supressed)
Usage: znotify [n]
Examples: znotify; znotify n
[end of usage manual]