Usage: jsave slot user_name [# | slot | user_name] _OR_
jsave slot [user_name | # ]
This command is used to save games to your journal (see the "journal" help
file). You can save games from a "history" file, from another journal, or
that you are currently played, examining or observing.
To save from a "history" file
The general format is: jsave slot user_name #. For example:
jsave A Friar 3
where 'A' is your journal slot; 'Friar' is the handle of the player whose game
you want to save -- whether it is your handle or the handle of another player;
and '3' is the number of the game from that player's 'history' file.
To save from another journal
The general format is: jsave slot user_name slot. For example:
jsave B Rattlesnake A
where 'B' is your journal slot, 'Rattlesnake' is the handle of the player
whose journal game you want to transfer to your journal; 'A' is that player's
journal slot for that game.
Using this journal-transfer feature, you can also relabel your own journal
entries. For example:
jsave A your_handle D
will copy the journal game in slot 'D' into journal slot 'A'. You will also
have the copy in slot D until you erase it.
To save a stored game
The general format is: jsave slot user_name user_name. For example:
jsave C bozky mann. For example:
where 'C' is your journal slot, and 'bozky' and 'mann' are the handles of the
users whose stored game you want to save.
To save a game you are playing or examining
The general format is: jsave slot. For example:
jsave B
where 'B' is your journal slot; no other parameters need to be given since the
server will assume you mean *your* game. NOTE: the game is saved at the point
you save the game, including any variations you have played while examining;
further moves and variations are not saved unless you use the jsave command
To save a game you are observing
The general format is: jsave slot [name|#]. There are three possibilities:
jsave B [to jsave the 'primary' game you are observing]
jsave B bozky [to jsave bozky's game]
jsave B 34 [to jsave game 34]
where 'B' is your journal slot. If you are observing only one game, or want
to jsave your 'primary' observed game, no other parameters need to be given.
If the game you want to jsave is not your 'primary' game, then you need to use
either a user name or a game number as a parameter. For details on what
'primary' means as it relates to observed games, read "help primary".
(a) You erase a journal entry by using the "jkill" command.
See also: examine history jkill journal observe primary stored
[Last modified: September 16, 1997 -- Friar]