Usage: iset ivariable_name [value]
The "iset" command is used to modify the value of the "ivariables."
Ivariables are special variables that interface and bot authors can use to
modify the output of the FICS server.
1. Users shouldn't manually modify the ivariables as it may cause the
interface to malfunction.
2. Ivariables are not saved between sessions.
3. When an ivariable is modified, you will be informed of the new settings
as a way of verifying it.
4. Computers have to set ivariables to receive matches of chess variants.
iv_allresults iv_atomic iv_audiochat iv_block
iv_boardinfo iv_compressmove iv_crazyhouse iv_defprompt
iv_extascii iv_extuserinfo iv_fr iv_gameinfo
iv_graph iv_lock iv_losers iv_movecase
iv_ms iv_nohighlight iv_nowrap iv_pendinfo
iv_pin iv_pinginfo iv_premove iv_seekca
iv_seekinfo iv_seekremove iv_showownseek iv_showserver
iv_singleboard iv_smartmove iv_startpos iv_suicide
iv_vthighlight iv_wildcastle ivariables
Created: 1 August 2000 DAV
Last Modified: 7 February 2004 MAd