FICS - Free Internet Chess Server
8708 31ST Ave N
New Hope
Mn 55427
The Internet Chess Library -- An anonymous ftp archive at
(this file may be somewhat out of date!  :-) )

The chess archive consists of the content of the directory tree contained
in /pub/chess.  At the top level of this tree are a few informational files
which are briefly described below (the contents of these files will be 
updated from time to time):

      This is an old introduction to the ICS (internet chess server).
      The information will apply somewhat to the current server, but it
      has changed a great deal since this was written.
      This is a file containing a welcome message and a statement of the
      general purpose and intent of the archive.
      This file.
      This tells how you might donate a digitized picture of yourself or
      a chessplayer you know into the archive.
      This is a 'link' to the file containing the current Internet
      locations of the main ICS's (currently, one in USA and one in
      This is an informational note related to finding recently uploaded
      This is the Chess FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions, and answers).
      This is a FAQ for GnuChess, a public domain chess playing program
      from the GNU (Gnu's Not Unix) project -- part of the Free Software
      This is a complete listing of the current contents of the archive,
      without descriptions.  Filenames only.  A Index with descriptions
      is probably not a possibility at this time because of the limited
      resources of the current maintainer. (Any help on this would be
      greatly appreciated)
      This is the info file for the locations of the ICS's. is linked to this file.

The rest of the archive is divided into a number of subdirectories which 
attempt to classify the data somewhat.  Below is a listing of directories 
in this archive and what one might expect to find there.

  Amiga/          Software and data for/related to Amiga computers.
  Atari/          Software and data for/related to Atari computers.
  CBUFF/          Files and data for the CBUFF (ChessBase Utilities
                    File Format) project.
  DOS/            Software and data for/related to IBM PC compatible
                    computers running DOS/Windows.
    Bookup/           Bookup data files.  This is a link to the directory:
    ChessAssistent/   ChessAssistent data files.  This is a link to the 
                        directory:  Game-Databases/ChessAssistent/
    ChessBase/        ChessBase data files.  This is a link to the 
                        directory: Game-Databases/ChessBase/
    NicBase/          NicBase data files.  this is a link to the 
                          directory: Game-Databases/NicBase/
    Tools/            Utility programs for DOS.  Archiving and compression
                        utilities needed to unpack most of the data in this
                        archive may be found here for DOS.
  Game-Databases/ This is a directory tree dedicated to Chess game databases
                    in varying formats.  Utilities to convert from one format
                    to another may be found in the Tools directory.
    Bookup/           Bookup database files.
    ChessAssistent/   ChessAssistent database files.
      Tools/            Utilities for manipulating/converting ChessAssistent 
                          data files.  This is a link to the directory:
    ChessBase/        ChessBase database files.
      Tools/            Utilities for manipulating/converting ChessBase 
                          data files.  This is a link to the directory:
    ChessBase_CBUFF/  ChessBase database files from the CBUFF project.
                        This is a link to the directory:  CBUFF/data/
    NicBase/          NicBase database files.
      Tools/            Utility programs for manipulating/converting NicBase
                          files. This is a link to the directory: 
    PGN/              This is the PGN (Portable Game Notation) project
                        directory tree.  It contains utilities for the PGN
                        format (including tools for converting between other
                        formats) and game databases in the format.  A DOS
                        program for viewing these databases is available.
      Events/         PGN format data files of events in specific years.
      MGR/              The MASTER GAME REPOSITORY directory.  Contains (or 
                          soon will) thousands of games in PGN format.
      Players/          PGN data file of games for specific players: Kasparov,
                          Tal, Fischer, Karpov, Polgar, and others!
      Tools/            Utilities for PGN data files.  Conversion tools and a
    Tools/            Utility programs for all Databasse formats in the 
                        Game-Databases area. 
      PGN/              This is a link to the directory:  
  HTML/               Hypertext files.  For use with Mosaic (WWW) clients.  If
                        you don't know what this is, don't worry.  It's
                        specific to distributed information over the Internet.
  ICS_help/             All the help files for the ICS.
  Macintosh/          Software and data for/related to Macintosh's.
  NeXT/               Software and data for/related to NeXT computers.
  PGN/                This is the PGN (Portable Game Notation) project
                        directory tree.  It contains utilities for the PGN
                        format (including tools for converting between other
                        formats) and game databases in the format.  A DOS 
                        program for viewing these databases is available.
                        This is a link to the directory:  Game-Databases/PGN/
  SAN_testsuites/     This is a collection of test positions for testing the
                        the problem solving capabilities of chess software.
                        These files are related to the SAN (Standard Algebraic
                        Notation) project, the distribution of which may be
                        obtained in the Unix/ directory.  SAN utilities and
                        datafiles use PGN.
  Unix/               Software and data for/related to Unix OS.
  X/                  Software and data for/related to X-Windows.
  chessbits/          Archives of the Chessbits Electronic magazine which will
                        probably not come back to life, although an occasional
                        ICS-Newsletter seems to have picked up the slack. 
                        These are found in texts/ 
  dropoff/            A place to drop things off where no-one but the archive
                        maintainer can get to them.  Please accompany anything
                        with a brief note.  
  ics-tourn/      Data and games related to tournaments held on the ICS's.
  masters/        Collections of games for masters and tournaments in ascii
                    format primarily (some are PGN compatible)
    WCC_1993/     Games of the World Chess Championships in 1993.  
                    Fide men's and women's and the PCA match as well.
  pictures/       Digitized pictures of chess related art and/or chess players
                    both famous and not so famous. 
  projects/       A directory tree for software projects donated to the
                    archive.  Not necessarily chess related.
  texts/          General texts of materials, analysis and some game scores.
                    A grab-bag of chess related materials.
  uploads/        A directory containing lots of subdirectories for donating
                    materials to the archive.  Pick an appropriate directory
                    here for your upload.
  windows/        Here is where new applications for MSwindows or other brands
                    of windows for the IBM PC reside.  This area is new, so
                    many windows applications still are in th DOS directory.
  xchange/        A place for data/software you want to make  available to
                    everyone but which you might not want to place in a
                    'permanent' area do to it's developmental/experimental

[Last modified: April 8, 1998 -- Friar]

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Last modified: Sun Feb 11 14:27:58 GMT Standard Time 2007