Usage: hrank [user [b][s][l][w][z][B][S]]
hrank m [b][s][l][w][z][B][S]
hrank m-n [b][s][l][w][z][B][S]
The hrank command is used to see where a user's rating stands with respect
to other human users on the server -- computers will be excluded from the
rankings. You can also see the hrank of users who have a certain rating, and
the ratings of users who have a certain range of hranks. There are four ways
to use the hrank command:
(a) Hranking for a *user*: Use "hrank user" to obtain the ranking for a
given user and all users with nearby rankings; example: "hrank carlsbad"
(b) Users with a given *rating*: Use "hrank m" to see the hrank of a user
with rating 'm'; example: "hrank 1845"
(c) Users with a *range of hranks*: Use "hrank m-n" to see the ratings of
users whose hranks are from 'm' to 'n'; example: "hrank 100-150"
(d) *Your* hranking: If "hrank" is used alone, your hrankings will be
A second argument with one or more of the letters b, s, l, w, z, B and/or
S asks to show only blitz, standard, lightning, wild, bughouse, crazyhouse
and/or suicide chess ratings respectively. For example, "hrank foo bw" shows
the blitz and wild hranking of the player whose handle is "foo". If no second
argument is given, hrankings for blitz, standard and lightning types are shown
sorted by blitz, then standard, then lightning.
Currently, all players with RDs less than 80 are hranked. If you ask for a
player's hrank and he/she has an RD greater than 80, the player's current
rating will be displayed in the table but a line (----) will precede the
handle to indicate a provisional hranking.
Related commands
crank -- rankings for computers only
rank -- rankings for all users
best -- gives the top 20 in rankings
cbest -- same as best, but only for computers
hbest -- same as best, but only for humans
(a) If two users have the same rating for a given type of chess, they will
have a tied hrank. The hrank display will list them as being at the same
level and also omit the next hrank number. For example, if two users have a
blitz rating of 1876, they will have the same hrank. If they are tied for
hrank #345, then hrank #346 is omitted and the next user in the hrank display
will be #347.
(b) As of December 1st, 1998, hranks ARE computed after every rated game
is completed. The command will therefore reference the current hrank list.
See Also: best blitz bughouse cbest computers crank crazyhouse hbest
lightning rank ratings standard suicide_chess
[Last modified: February 15, 1999 -- pgv]