Usage: ginfo [user_name|game_number]
The "ginfo" command is used to display summary information about the game
user_name a user handle as parameter will show information about the game
currently being played by that particular player.
game_number a game number as parameter will show information about that
particular game.
The ginfo command provides slightly different displays depending on whether
the selected game is normal chess or "bughouse" chess, and whether the game
is being played or being "examined."
The display for a live chess game
A typical display for a live chess game is:
Game 33: Game information.
MAd (1611) vs pgv (1849) rated Blitz game.
Time controls: 240 0
Time of starting: Sat Dec 6, 17:56 GMT 2003
White time 3:28.978 Black time 3:24.991
The clock is not paused
17 halfmoves have been made.
Fifty move count started at halfmove 16 (99 moves until a draw).
White may castle both kingside and queenside.
Black may castle both kingside and queenside.
Double pawn push didn't occur.
The information provided in each line of the display is:
1. The first line reports the handle and rating of both the white and black
player. Moreover it is reported whether the game is rated or unrated, and
what "type of game" is being played.
2. The game "time controls."
3. The time when the game was started.
4. The current times on the "clocks" of both players.
5. Whether the player clock is running or the game has been "paused."
6. The number of "halfmoves" played so far.
7. The number of halfmoves without a capture or a pawn push. This
information is relevant to claim the "draw" according to the 50 moves
rule. The number of halfmoves which are to be played without a pawn push
or a capture before the draw can be claimed is also indicated.
8. Whether white can castle kingside and/or queenside.
9. Whether black can castle kingside and/or queenside.
10. The final line reports whether an en-passant capture is possible at the
next move.
The display for a live bughouse chess game
A typical display for a live bughouse chess game is:
Game 43: Game information.
TheDane (1651) vs volcano (1681) rated Bughouse game.
Time controls: 180 0
Time of starting: Sat Dec 6, 18:14 GMT 2003
White time 2:58.518 Black time 2:55.880
The clock is not paused
Partner is playing game: GBate (1742) vs. foxbat (1658)
10 halfmoves have been made.
Fifty move count started at halfmove 10 (100 moves until a draw).
White may castle both kingside and queenside.
Black may castle both kingside and queenside.
Double pawn push didn't occur.
The information provided in each line of the display is:
1. The handle and rating of both the white and black player. Moreover it is
reported whether the game is rated or unrated.
2. The game time controls.
3. The time when the game was started.
4. The current times on the clocks of both players.
5. Whether the player clock is running or the game has been paused.
6. The handle and rating of the "partners" of both players.
7. The number of halfmoves played so far.
8. The number of halfmoves without a capture or a pawn push. This
information is relevant to claim the draw according to the 50 moves rule.
The number of halfmoves which are to be played without a pawn push or a
capture before the draw can be claimed is also indicated.
9. Whether white can castle kingside and/or queenside.
10. Whether black can castle kingside and/or queenside.
11. The final line reports whether an en-passant capture is possible at the
next move.
The display for an examined chess game
A typical display for an examined chess game is:
Game 95: Game information.
MAd is examining MAd vs pgv.
59 halfmoves have been made.
Fifty move count started at halfmove 59 (100 moves until a draw).
White may castle both kingside and queenside.
Black may not castle.
Double pawn push didn't occur.
The information provided in each line of the display is:
1. The handle of the user examing the game and the handles of both the white
and black player.
2. The number of halfmoves played so far.
3. The number of halfmoves without a capture or a pawn push. This
information is relevant to claim the draw according to the 50 moves rule.
The number of halfmoves which are to be played without a pawn push or a
capture before the draw can be claimed is also indicated.
4. Whether white can castle kingside and/or queenside.
5. Whether black can castle kingside and/or queenside.
6. The final line reports whether an en-passant capture is possible at the
next move.
ginfo MAd
If MAd is playing or examining a game when the ginfo command is issued,
the summary information of his game will be displayed accroding to the
formats described in the previous section.
ginfo 33
The summary information of game 33 is displayed according to the formats
described in the previous section.
bughouse clock examine games match pause ply ratings variants
Created: 28 May 1997 Friar
Last Modified: 7 February 2004 MAd