Usage: games [#, string, /[bBelLsSuwxz]]
The games command is used for listing games currently being played on the
server. The games are listed in order of the ratings of the players involved.
There are four possible ways in which this command can be used. Used alone,
with no parameters, all current games are listed.
#: if a number is supplied as a parameter, only the game matching that
number is displayed; example: "games 23" ;
string: if a string of letters (or even a single letter) is supplied, only
games involving players whose handles begin with that string are
displayed; for example, "games gr" will show all games involving
players whose handles begin with "gr";
/: if a string starting with either "/" or "-" is supplied, games of
certain types will be displayed; valid game types are:
b: blitz l: lightning u: untimed e: examined game
s: standard w: wild x: atomic z: crazyhouse
B: Bughouse L: losers S: Suicide
for example, "games /b" will show blitz games only, while "games /we"
will show all wild games and all examined games.
Here is a sample games display and description of what the symbols mean:
25 (Exam. 0 Friar 0 Friar ) [ uu 0 0] W: 1
28 ++++ TryMe 1737 Jack [ su 30 20] 22:27 - 23:17 (29-30) W: 16
2 2274 OldManII ++++ Peshkin [ bu 2 12] 2:34 - 1:47 (39-39) B: 3
29 1622 Vman 1609 PopKid [ sr 10 10] 1:14 - 5:10 (21-22) B: 18
32 1880 Raskapov 1859 RoboDweeb [ br 2 12] 1:04 - 1:26 ( 9-10) B: 34
1 1878 Roberto 1881 baraka [psr 45 30] 30:35 - 34:24 (22-22) W: 21
6 games displayed (of 23 in progress)
Reading from left to right: (i) game number; (ii) rating of user playing
White; (iii) handle of White, (iv) rating of user playing Black; (v) handle
of Black; (vi) type of match and time controls, (vii) current clock times for
both players; (viii) current material strength for both players, (ix) who is
on move and what move number it will be, and, lastly (x) the number of games
listed in the display and how many in progress. Ratings are ++++ for
unregistered players and ---- for registered players who do not have a rating
in this category. Lastly, any games being examined or setup ('bsetup') are
The format will be [Private] | [Category] | [Rated].
Private: If a "p" is given, the game is private and not open for observation
(that is "observe" will fail in this case). If the game is not
private, the space will be blank. (See help variables help file
concerning how to make a game private.)
Category: The possibilities are:
b: blitz l: lightning u: untimed e: examined game
s: standard w: wild x: atomic z: crazyhouse
B: Bughouse L: losers S: Suicide u: untimed
n: nonstandard game, such as different time controls
Rated: The possibilities are "r" for rated and "u" for unrated.
atomic blitz bsetup bughouse crazyhouse
examine lightning losers match observe
simuls standard suicide_chess untimed variables
Created: 16 February 1999 pgv
Last Modified: 27 February 2008 mhill