FICS - Free Internet Chess Server
8708 31ST Ave N
New Hope
Mn 55427

Usage: follow [[user] | [/l|/b|/s|/S|/w|/z|/B|/L|/x]]

Automatically observe the games of another user without needing to use the
"observe" command each time.


follow: Without parameters, follow will end your current follow situation.
user:   Follow the games of the listed user.
/l:     Follow the highest rated lightning game
/b:     Follow the highest rated blitz game
/s:     Follow the highest rated standard game
/S:     Follow the highest rated suicide game
/w:     Follow the highest rated wild game
/z:     Follow the highest rated crazyhouse game
/B:     Follow the highest rated bughouse game
/L:     Follow the highest rated losers game
/x:     Follow the highest rated atomic game


Using "follow" will automatically observe games, even if they are already in
progress. New games will be observed automatically until the "follow" is

To cancel the follow feature, type "follow" without any arguments. The follow
command is also canceled when the user logs off the server or you log off the

The "follow" command only works for one user at a time. If you type "follow
Binford" when you are following Hawk the follow feature will switch from Hawk
to Binford. Also, the user must be logged onto the server for the follow
command to be effective; otherwise, an error message will result.

You can unobserve a game without canceling the follow feature. When a new
game of that user starts, you will start observing the new game of his.

You cannot follow private games.

You can follow the games of someone holding a "simul".

When following highest rated games, it will observe the highest rated game in
progress. If no rated game is in progress, it follows an unrated game
instead. If no game is in progress, it will observe when one starts.


When a followed game starts, the server will notify you.

 o When a followed player starts a game:

mhill, whom you are following, has started a game with MAd.You are now observing game 114.
Game 114: mhill (1023) MAd (1633) rated lightning 1 0

 o When following highest rated games.

You are now observing game 284.Game 284: mhill (1215) MAd (1619) rated blitz 2 12


follow pgv
     Automatically start observing pgv's games when they start

                 You will now be following pgv's games.

follow /l
     Automatically observe the highest rated lightning games

           You will now be following strongest players' games.

follow /z
     Follow the highest rated crazyhouse games

           You will now be following strongest players' games.

     Stop following games

                 You will not follow any player's games.


allobserve observe private simuls unobserve v_private


Created: 22 January 1998 Friar
Last Modified: 30 December 2007 mhill

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Last modified: Sun Feb 11 14:27:58 GMT Standard Time 2007