Etime is the estimated amount of time each player would use if they made 40
moves in a given time control.
The formula for determining etime is:
o etime = (time + inc*2/3)
'time' and 'inc' refer to the standard 'time' and 'inc' settings used in
"match" and "seek".
The delineation between lightning, blitz, and standard is based on etime.
Lightning: Etime is less than 3 minutes
Blitz: Etime is between 3 minutes and 15 minutes
Standard: Etime is 15 minutes or more
Because of how the formula works, it's easiest to find the adjustment based
on the 'inc'. Then you just add this to 'time' to determine your etime.
0: Etime: +0.0
1: Etime: +0.6
2: Etime: +1.3
3: Etime: +2.0
4: Etime: +2.6
5: Etime: +3.3
6: Etime: +4.0
7: Etime: +4.6
8: Etime: +5.3
9: Etime: +6.0
10: Etime: +6.6
11: Etime: +7.3
12: Etime: +8.0
13: Etime: +8.6
14: Etime: +9.3
15: Etime: +10.0
In this way, we can easily see that a '2 12' blitz game (the most common on
fics) is 2 +8.0, or 10 minutes. Remember that etime is per side, so the total
game time would be twice that.
blitz lightning match seek standard
Created: 15 November 2005 mhill
Last Modified: 28 February 2008 mhill