FICS - Free Internet Chess Server
8708 31ST Ave N
New Hope
Mn 55427

This is the current list of defined channels on the server. Please use the
channels only for their designated topics.

0      Admins  [restricted to admins]
1      Server Help and Assistance
2      General discussions about FICS
3      FICS programmers
4      Guests
5      Service Representatives [restricted]
6      Help with Interface and timeseal questions
7      OnlineTours
20     Forming Team games
21,22  Playing team games
23     Forming Simuls
30     Books and Knowledge
31     Computer Games
32     Movies
33     Quacking  &  Other Duck Topics
34     Sports
35     Music
36     Mathematics  &  Physics
37     Philosophy
38     Literature  &  Poetry
39     Politics
48     Mamer managers [restricted to mamer managers]
49     Mamer tournament channel
50     The Chat channel
51     The Youth channel
52     The Old Timers channel
53     The Guest Chat channel
55     The Chess channel
56     Beginner Chess
57     Discussions on coaching and teaching chess
58     Chess Books
60     Chess Openings/Theory
61     Chess Endgames
62     Blindfold Chess channel
63     Chess Advisors [restricted]
64     Computer Chess
65     Special Events channel
66     Examine channel (people willing to analyze games with you)
67     Lecture channel (for special lecture programs)
68     Ex-Yugoslav
69     Latin
70     Finnish
71     Scandinavian (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish)
72     German
73     Spanish
74     Italian
75     Russian
76     Dutch
77     French
78     Greek
79     Icelandic
80     Chinese
81     Turkish
82     Portuguese
83     General computer discussions
84     Macintosh/Apple
85     Unix/Linux
86     DOS/Windows 3.1/95/NT
87     VMS
88     Programming discussions
90     The STC BUNCH (players who like Slow Time Controls: 30- to 120-minute
       games)	[see "help stc"]
91     Suicide Chess channel
92     Wild Chess channel
93     Bughouse Chess channel
94     Gambit channel (players who like to play gambit openings)
95     Scholastic Chess channel
96     College Chess channel
97     Crazyhouse Chess channel
98     Losers Chess channel
99     Atomic Chess channel
100    Trivia


 o All tells to channels must follow the guidelines in help abuse. Users who
   fail to follow these guidelines will be subject to sanctions from admins.

 o channels 101 and above can be given unofficial designations by users.
   However, keep in mind that these designations are unofficial, and that all
   users may join these channels ... even if designated, they are not


abuse         chan_1        chan_4        channel       chess_advisor
inchannel     intro_talking mamer         mamer_tm      say
sr_info       stc           tell          xtell


Created: 11 March 1999 pgv
Last Modified: 26 August 2004 SuperIntellect

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Last modified: Sun Feb 11 14:27:58 GMT Standard Time 2007