Channel 4 is the guest help channel. Admins (see help adm_info) and other
helpful, knowledgeable users monitor channel 4 and are ready to assist you.
If you need assistance about something but don't know whom to contact, ask
your question on channel 4. Here's the procedure:
1. Type the following in your console:
tell 4 I have a question about ... [this sends the message to channel 4]
2. Watch your screen for a response. You may be contacted directly (in a
personal tell) or through channel 4 itself (so everyone can listen to the
discussion and help out).
3. If you want to continue talking on channel 4, type:
tell 4 <message> [everyone on channel 4 will hear you]
4. When you are done being helped, you can either stay on channel 4, in
order to help others and/or learn from their questions, or turn off
channel 4 by typing:
-chan 4 [this will set channel 4 off for you]
o The "tell" is used for both tells to channels and tells to individual
users. Please be careful when using tells.
o To learn about the various ways of communicating on this server, type help
o In order to see who is listening to channel 4 at any given moment, type
"inch 1". A list of user handles will be displayed.
o There are many channels on this server. The complete list is given in help
channel_list. Please use the right channel for your topic. For example,
use channel 2 for a discussion about server issues.). At present guests
may not talk in other channels than 4 and 53.
adm_info channel channel_list inchannel intro_talking tell
Created: 18 August 1996 Friar
Last Modified: 27 February 2008 mhill