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Mn 55427

Usage: cbest [B|L|S|b|l|s|w|x|z]

The "cbest" displays the 20 highest-rated computer players.


no flags Using cbest alone will display the 20 highest-rated computer players
         for blitz, standard and lightning chess.
B        will show the 20 highest-rated computer players for the bughouse
         chess variant;
L        will show the 20 highest-rated computer players for the losers chess
S        will show the 20 highest-rated computer players for the suicide
         chess variant;
b        will show the 20 highest-rated computer players for blitz chess;
l        will show the 20 highest-rated computer players for lightning chess;
s        will show the 20 highest-rated computer players for standard chess;
w        will show the 20 highest-rated computer players for the wild chess
x        will show the 20 highest-rated computer players for the atomic chess
z        will show the 20 highest-rated computer players for the crazyhouse
         chess variant.


 1. You can use the "hbest" command to see the 20 highest-rated humans, and
    the "best" command to see the 20 highest-rated human and computer

 2. The "rank," "hrank," and "crank" commands can be used to see where a
    given player is ranked.


     The 20 highest rated computer players for blitz, standard and lightning
     chess are shown. A typical display is:

         Blitz                   Standard                Lightning         
   1. Angledust    2721     1. Angledust    2752     1. interchess   2823  
   2. interchess   2693     2. cchess       2664     2. StrongMetal  2767  
   3. Vulcano      2672     3. Azkikr       2554     3. Angledust    2753  
   4. BetaTesting  2649     4. khadem       2540     4. Artificial   2735  
   5. StrongMetal  2630     5. Goober       2534     5. Topas        2730  
   6. Artificial   2605     6. Extirpate    2533     6. LordComp     2719  
   7. KalleKanin   2600     7. Hera         2526     7. Goober       2716  
   8. airone       2599        LunaticMoves 2526     8. Armegatron   2713  
   9. LorDBoT      2596     9. DRUEKE       2514     9. LunaticMoves 2708  
  10. JadeiteMech  2588    10. Brise        2507        Vulcano      2708  
  11. EdgeOfHell   2576    11. Species      2501    11. EdgeOfHell   2703  
  12. Species      2574    12. MrWolf       2489    12. LorDBoT      2688  
  13. Goober       2561    13. COMPBaron    2469    13. MrWolf       2683  
  14. MrWolf       2556    14. Ozso         2460    14. Hera         2661  
  15. norpico      2550    15. BrownLungs   2456    15. KalleKanin   2642  
  16. Topas        2548        ruffiantestb 2456    16. memerCPU     2627  
  17. Incal        2538    17. Kec          2452    17. compdamienth 2626  
  18. Hera         2532    18. IFDCrafty    2451    18. Brise        2622  
      LunaticMoves 2532    19. Mainflame    2412    19. siliconslaye 2621  
  20. compdamienth 2521    20. PostModernis 2399    20. Azkikr       2618  

cbest L
     Using the L flag will show the 20 highest-rated computer players for the
     losers chess variant. Since there are very few computers playing losers
     chess, a typical display is:

                           1. VariantDemon 2664  

cbest LBb
     The L and B flags will allow displaying the computers best lists for
     both the losers and bughouse chess variants, while the b flag will show
     the best list for blitz chess. Since few computers play bughouse or
     losers chess, a typical display is:

         Blitz                   Bughouse                  Losers          
   1. Angledust    2721     1. BettyBot     1928     1. VariantDemon 2664  
   2. interchess   2693     2. beukibotB    1863                           
   3. Vulcano      2672     3. SuperSkeelos 1847                           
   4. BetaTesting  2649     4. Kiborg       1756                           
   5. StrongMetal  2630     5. GmBot        1731                           
   6. Artificial   2605     6. beukibotA    1719                           
   7. KalleKanin   2600     7. CrazyBeukiBo 1671                           
   8. airone       2599                                                    
   9. LorDBoT      2596                                                    
  10. JadeiteMech  2588                                                    
  11. EdgeOfHell   2576                                                    
  12. Species      2574                                                    
  13. Goober       2561                                                    
  14. MrWolf       2556                                                    
  15. norpico      2550                                                    
  16. Topas        2548                                                    
  17. Incal        2538                                                    
  18. Hera         2532                                                    
      LunaticMoves 2532                                                    
  20. compdamienth 2521                                                    


atomic     best       blitz      bughouse   crank      crazyhouse hbest      
hrank      lightning  losers     rank       ratings    standard   suicide    


Created: 15 February 1999 pgv
Last Modified: 7 February 2004 MAd

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