Usage: allobservers [game,user]
If a game is specified then all users observing or examining that game are
displayed. However, if there are no observers for that game, nothing will be
If no game is specified, then all users observing or examining games in
progress are displayed. However, if there are no observers or examining for
ANY game, nothing will be displayed.
The display will have this format: Game_number, Players, Observers, Number.
For example:
Observing 18 [DAV vs. hersco]: Thumper, Charity, Shane (3 users)
Examining 29 (scratch): #Friar, loon (2 users)
In the case of examined games, there are examiners (people changing the
position, noted by #) and observers.
(a) A player involved in a bughouse match who is observing his/her partner's
game will also have a # next to his/her handle in the 'allobservers' listing.
See Also: examine observe
[Last modified: January 23, 1998 -- Friar]