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Mn 55427
FICS Championship Final - Lightning - Open section
Date: 16 Jul 2007 07:00
Managed by: FoxyFiddler

Seed Player Rating Score
1 (4) MagLev 2044 5.0/5.0
2 (6) eira 1896 4.5/5.0
3 (10) franta 1786 4.0/5.0
(12) cytrus 1721 4.0/5.0
(13) Cruelzinho 1717 4.0/5.0
6 (3) ThoBjo 2050 3.5/5.0
(40) SerhiyFranchuk 1849 3.5/4.0
(33) wordspoken 1773 3.5/4.0
9 (2) daroos 2122 3.0/5.0
(35) fanfounet 1938 3.0/4.0
(5) LoboNocturno 1923 3.0/5.0
(7) thespiritofTAL 1892 3.0/5.0
(11) finechess 1764 3.0/5.0
(14) Horkko 1692 3.0/5.0
(39) Veit 1600 3.0/4.0
(20) PianoCraft 1595 3.0/5.0
(27) vladoto 1448 3.0/5.0
(28) PAVLOVIC 1445 3.0/5.0
(29) Bevs 1437 3.0/5.0
20 (1) Maras 2151 2.5/5.0
(8) Spohr 1841 2.5/5.0
(38) kukuk 1678 2.5/4.0
(24) excellion 1536 2.5/5.0
24 (15) DreamSoLD 1681 2.0/5.0
(16) trapal 1643 2.0/5.0
(17) Brorn 1623 2.0/5.0
(21) gambiitti 1581 2.0/5.0
(22) Quylthulg 1572 2.0/5.0
(23) MetaMidi 1548 2.0/5.0
(25) RonnieG 1504 2.0/5.0
(26) stockHOLM 1476 2.0/5.0
(30) bunglejack 1369 2.0/5.0
(41) buccaneer 1264 2.0/3.0
34 (36) ruptz 1464 1.5/3.0
(37) mynet 1440 1.5/4.0
36 (18) MoosMutz 1600 1.0/5.0
(19) kicker 1599 1.0/5.0
(31) crazycapablanca 1284 1.0/5.0
(42) DaveChampagne 990 1.0/3.0
(32) lifelonglearning 964 1.0/4.0
41 (34) Fgetulio 1550 0.5/3.0
The following players have withdrawn: Lassiter
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Last modified: Mon Jul 16 14:39:34 GMT Standard Time 2007