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Mn 55427
ChessBattle tournament , starting at 13:00
Date: 13 Sep 2004 13:02
Managed by: Remedy

Seed Player Rating Score
1 (1) Bulten 2179 6.5/7.0
2 (9) ingGra 1855 5.5/7.0
(41) Bilbon 1720 5.5/6.0
4 (2) AlefZero 2099 5.0/7.0
(4) Regnmanden 2001 5.0/7.0
(6) ivanbender 1918 5.0/7.0
(12) nezirus 1842 5.0/7.0
(13) GrondinJD 1824 5.0/7.0
(16) WelshWarrior 1778 5.0/7.0
(46) gogosan 1776 5.0/6.0
11 (17) tuancz 1777 4.5/7.0
12 (3) ThoBjo 2003 4.0/7.0
(5) supertfc 1941 4.0/7.0
(7) Britti 1902 4.0/7.0
(10) whitemageM 1853 4.0/7.0
(11) Vikesha 1850 4.0/7.0
(15) kalasoo 1797 4.0/7.0
(18) Uljanow 1740 4.0/6.0
(20) stormp 1711 4.0/7.0
(22) peepn 1675 4.0/7.0
(48) doowopoldie 1665 4.0/6.0
22 (47) buats 1856 3.5/6.0
(14) BearJr 1820 3.5/7.0
(26) ryoshu 1638 3.5/7.0
(50) kouassy 1608 3.5/5.0
(42) qed 1462 3.5/6.0
27 (21) crbmbid 1701 3.0/7.0
(23) YOIULI 1673 3.0/7.0
(24) kicker 1661 3.0/7.0
(45) fingambit 1572 3.0/6.0
(28) carlosab 1559 3.0/7.0
(29) Sparv 1538 3.0/7.0
(32) muschem 1492 3.0/6.0
(34) Wir 1441 3.0/7.0
(37) tsifal 1339 3.0/5.0
(38) ilferra 1320 3.0/7.0
37 (39) Indyx 1285 2.5/6.0
(49) vhirvela 1260 2.5/5.0
(43) corpuscle 1079 2.5/5.0
40 (27) KnightBlues 1594 2.0/7.0
(30) oXo 1502 2.0/7.0
(31) Dozo 1501 2.0/6.0
(35) Snezhanna 1419 2.0/6.0
44 (40) chessborne 1005 1.5/6.0
45 (33) maybe 1457 1.0/6.0

The following players have been forfeited: Mastre, Kuebelboeck, spazky and Sulek
The following players have withdrawn: JankoR
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Last modified: Sat Feb 10 23:46:32 GMT Standard Time 2007