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Relay of the Russian Men's Championship Super Final 2011
The Russian Men's Championship Super Final 2011 took place between Aug 8th and Aug 15th.
Country Rating
Sergey Karjakin RUS 2788
Vladimir Kramnik RUS 2781
Alexander Grischuk RUS 2746
Peter Svidler RUS 2739
Ian Nepomniachtchi RUS 2711
Alexander Morozevich RUS 2694
Artyom Timofeev RUS 2665
Alexander Galkin RUS 2598
1. Svidler 5
2. Morozevich 4.5
3. Karjakin 4
Grischuk 4
Kramnik 4
6. Nepomniachtchi 3
7. Galkin 2
8. Timofeev 1.5
Round 1 - Aug 8th
Svidler - Kramnik 1-0
Karjakin - Morozevich 1/2
Grischuk - Nepomniachtchi 1/2
Galkin - Timofeev 1/2
Round 2 - Aug 9th
Svidler - Karjakin 1/2
Morozevich - Grischuk 1-0
Kramnik - Timofeev 1-0
Nepomniachtchi - Galkin 1/2
Round 3 - Aug 10th
Karjakin - Kramnik 1-0
Grischuk - Svidler 1/2
Galkin - Morozevich 1/2
Timofeev - Nepomniachtchi 1/2
Round 4 - Aug 11th
Svidler - Galkin 1-0
Morozevich - Timofeev 1-0
Karjakin - Grischuk 0-1
Kramnik - Nepomniachtchi 1-0
Round 5 - Aug 13th
Grischuk - Kramnik 1/2
Nepomniachtchi - Morozevich 1-0
Galkin - Karjakin 1/2
Timofeev - Svidler 0-1
Round 6 - Aug 14th
Svidler - Nepomniachtchi 1-0
Karjakin - Timofeev 1-0
Grischuk - Galkin 1-0
Kramnik - Morozevich 1/2
Round 7 - Aug 15th
Morozevich - Svidler 1-0
Nepomniachtchi - Karjakin 1/2
Galkin - Kramnik 0-1
Timofeev - Grischuk 1/2
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Last modified: Wed Aug 17 7:50:34 GMT Standard Time 2011