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Relay of the Moscow Men's Championship 2011
The Moscow Men's Championship 2011 took place between May 22nd and May 28th.
Country Rating
Alexey Korotylev RUS 2589
Nikolai Chadaev RUS 2577
Evgeny E. Vorobiov RUS 2570
Sergey Grigoriants RUS 2562
Alexandr Kharitonov RUS 2556
Daniil Dubov RUS 2505
Alexey Reshetnikov RUS 2487
Viacheslav Tilicheev RUS 2361
1. Grigoriants 4.5
Chadaev 4.5
3. Reshetnikov 4
Vorobiov 4
5. Korotylev 3
Dubov 3
7. Tilicheev 2.5
Kharitonov 2.5
Round 1 - May 22nd
Reshetnikov - Dubov 1/2
Vorobiov - Kharitonov 1/2
Chadaev - Tilicheev 1/2
Grigoriants - Korotylev 1/2
Round 2 - May 23rd
Reshetnikov - Vorobiov 1/2
Dubov - Korotylev 1/2
Tilicheev - Grigoriants 1/2
Kharitonov - Chadaev 1/2
Round 3 - May 24th
Chadaev - Reshetnikov 1-0
Vorobiov - Dubov 1-0
Grigoriants - Kharitonov 1-0
Korotylev - Tilicheev 1/2
Round 4 - May 25th
Reshetnikov - Grigoriants 0-1
Vorobiov - Chadaev 1/2
Kharitonov - Korotylev 1/2
Dubov - Tilicheev 1/2
Round 5 - May 26th
Korotylev - Reshetnikov 0-1
Grigoriants - Vorobiov 1/2
Chadaev - Dubov 1/2
Tilicheev - Kharitonov 1/2
Round 6 - May 27th
Reshetnikov - Tilicheev 1-0
Vorobiov - Korotylev 0-1
Chadaev - Grigoriants 1/2
Dubov - Kharitonov 1/2
Round 7 - May 28th
Kharitonov - Reshetnikov 0-1
Tilicheev - Vorobiov 0-1
Korotylev - Chadaev 0-1
Grigoriants - Dubov 1/2
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Last modified: Mon Jun 20 15:6:48 GMT Standard Time 2011