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Relay of the Chess Society Zurich - Jubilee-Open
The Chess Society Zurich - Jubilee-Open took place between August 9th and August 15th.
Top 10 Participants
Top 10 Standings
Country Rating
Alexander Morozevich RUS 2751
Evgeny Miroshnichenko UKR 2696
P. Harikrishna IND 2679
Emil Sutovsky ISR 2675
Daniel Fridman GER 2665
Alexey Dreev RUS 2660
Georg Meier GER 2658
Michael Roiz ISR 2658
Sergey Fedorchuk UKR 2655
Alexander Areshchenko UKR 2651
1. Areshchenko 7.5
Avrukh 7.5
3. Dreev 7.0
Mikhalevski 7.0
5. Kuzubov 6.5
Pelletier 6.5
Sutovsky 6.5
Meier 6.5
Morozevich 6.5
Golod 6.5
Schedule (Top boards).
Round 1 - August 9th
Jadrijevic - Morozevich 0-1
Miroshnichenko - Gähwiler 1-0
Zuse - Harikrishna 0-1
Sutovsky - Schleicher 1-0
Zak - Fridman 1/2
Dreev - Fend 1-0
Round 2 - August 10th
Morozevich - Moor 1-0
Jackova - Miroshnichenko 0-1
Harikrishna - Ballmann 1-0
Hochstrasser - Sutovsky 0-1
Wintzer - Dreev 0-1
Meier - Donchenko, An 1-0
Round 3 - August 10th
Jovanic - Morozevich 0-1
Miroshnichenko - Gasanov 1/2
Alsina - Harikrishna 1/2
Sutovsky - Giri 1/2
Dreev - Portisch 1-0
Lauber - Meier 1/2
Round 4 - August 11th
Morozevich - Geetha 1/2
Mikhalevski - Dreev 0-1
Golod - Roiz 1/2
Fedorchuk - Lopez 1/2
Hess, R - Areshchenko 0-1
Bosiocic - Kuzubov 1/2
Round 5 - August 12th
Dreev - Areshchenko 1/2
Pelletier - Fridman 1/2
Roiz - Bosiocic 1/2
Bischoff, K - Fedorchuk 1/2
Lopez - Avrukh 1/2
Kuzubov - Pavlovic 1/2
Round 6 - August 12th
Golod - Dreev 1/2
Areshchenko - Geetha 1/2
Sandipan - Morozevich 0-1
Harikrishna - Pelletier 0-1
Malakhatko - Sutovsky 0-1
Fridman - Lopez 1/2
Round 7 - August 13th
Morozevich - Mikhalevski 1/2
Sutovsky - Gharamian 1/2
Dreev - Geetha 1/2
Pelletier - Areshchenko 1/2
Jovanic - Avrukh 0-1
Kuzubov - Golod 1/2
Round 8 - August 14th
Avrukh - Sutovsky 1/2
Gharamian - Morozevich 0-1
Sandipan - Dreev 1/2
Areshchenko - Jussupow, Ar 1-0
Geetha - Kuzubov 0-1
Mikhalevski - Pelletier 1/2
Round 9 - August 15th
Morozevich - Avrukh 0-1
Kuzubov - Areshchenko 0-1
Miroshnichenko - Sandipan 1/2
Sutovsky - Hess, R 1/2
Dreev - Shchekachev 1-0
Malaniuk - Mikhalevski 0-1
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Last modified: Tue Sep 8 19:59:19 GMT Standard Time 2009