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Relay of the 10th Karpov Tournament - Poikovsky
The 10th Karpov Tournament - Poikovsky took place between June 3rd and June 12th.
Country Rating
Alexei Shirov ESP 2745
Vugar Gashimov AZE 2730
Sergei Rublevsky RUS 2702
Arkadij Naiditsch GER 2700
Viktor Bologan MDA 2690
Alexander Onischuk USA 2684
Zahar Efimenko UKR 2682
Alexander Motylev RUS 2677
Ernesto Inarkiev RUS 2676
Emil Sutovsky ISR 2660
1. Motylev 7
2. Gashimov 6
3. Sutovsky 5
Inarkiev 5
5. Onischuk 4.5
Bologan 4.5
Rublevsky 4.5
8. Naiditsch 3.5
9. Efimenko 3
10. Shirov 2
Round 1 - June 3rd
Inarkiev - Shirov 1-0
Motylev - Rublevsky 1-0
Naiditsch - Onischuk 1-0
Gashimov - Bologan 1-0
Sutovsky - Efimenko 1/2
Round 2 - June 4th
Shirov - Naiditsch 0-1
Rublevsky - Gashimov 1/2
Onischuk - Motylev 1/2
Sutovsky - Inarkiev 1-0
Efimenko - Bologan 0-1
Round 3 - June 5th
Motylev - Shirov 1-0
Gashimov - Onischuk 1-0
Inarkiev - Efimenko 1-0
Bologan - Rublevsky 1/2
Naiditsch - Sutovsky 1/2
Round 4 - June 6th
Sutovsky - Motylev 0-1
Shirov - Gashimov 0-1
Inarkiev - Naiditsch 1-0
Onischuk - Bologan 1/2
Efimenko - Rublevsky 1-0
Round 5 - June 7th
Gashimov - Sutovsky 1/2
Bologan - Shirov 1/2
Motylev - Inarkiev 1/2
Rublevsky - Onischuk 1/2
Naiditsch - Efimenko 1-0
Round 6 - June 9th
Sutovsky - Bologan 1-0
Efimenko - Onischuk 0-1
Inarkiev - Gashimov 1/2
Shirov - Rublevsky 1/2
Naiditsch - Motylev 0-1
Round 7 - June 10th
Motylev - Efimenko 1/2
Rublevsky - Sutovsky 1/2
Bologan - Inarkiev 1/2
Gashimov - Naiditsch 1-0
Onischuk - Shirov 1-0
Round 8 - June 11th
Motylev - Gashimov 1-0
Naiditsch - Bologan 0-1
Inarkiev - Rublevsky 0-1
Sutovsky - Onischuk 1/2
Efimenko - Shirov 1/2
Round 9 - June 12th
Shirov - Sutovsky 1/2
Rublevsky - Naiditsch 1-0
Onischuk - Inarkiev 1/2
Bologan - Motylev 1/2
Gashimov - Efimenko 1/2
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Last modified: Wed Jun 17 21:47:00 GMT Standard Time 2009