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Relay of the French Championships
The French Championships took place Aug 11-22.
Group ACountryRating Final Standings
Bacrot, Etienne FRA26911. Bacrot 8.5
V.-Lagrave, Maxime FRA26812. V.-Lagrave8.5
Fressinet, Laurent FRA26733. Fressinet 7.5
Bauer, Christian FRA25834. Maze 6.0
Sokolov, Andrei FRA25615. Bauer 6.0
Maze, Sebastien FRA25536. Sokolov 5.5
Vaisser, Anatoly FRA25427. Feller 5.0
Nataf, Igor-AlexandreFRA25348. Abergel 4.5
Feller, Sebastien FRA25239. Nataf 4.5
Degraeve, Jean-marc FRA252310. Degraeve 4.0
Apicella, Manuel FRA252111. Apicella 3.5
Abergel, Thal FRA249912. Vaisser 2.5
Group BCountryRating Final Standings
Prie, Eric FRA25261. Le Roux 6.5
Edouard, Romain FRA25082. Cossin 6.5
Kosten, Anthony C. FRA25073. Bricard 6.5
Le Roux, Jean-PierreFRA24904. Govciyan6.0
Lazarev, Vladimir FRA24825. Edouard 6.0
Cossin, Sebastien FRA24666. Shoker 5.5
Vitoux, Colomban FRA24547. Kosten 5.5
Bricard, Emmanuel FRA24538. Benitah 5.0
Collas, Didier FRA24399. Lazarev 5.0
Benitah, Yohan FRA241610. Prie 4.5
Govciyan, Pavel FRA241111. Vitoux 4.5
Shoker, Samy FRA236512. Collas 4.5
WomenCountryRating Final Standings
Skripchenko, AlmiraFRA24631. Milliet 8.5
Collas, Silvia FRA23702. Leconte 8.0
Milliet, Sophie FRA23573. Collas 8.0
Leconte, Maria FRA23464. Skripchenko7.5
Lallemand, Roza FRA22855. Delorme 6.5
Guichard, Pauline FRA22846. Lallemand 5.0
Benmesbah, Natacha FRA22107. Verot 4.5
Congiu, Mathilde FRA21968. Guichard 4.5
Muller, Anne FRA21799. Congiu 4.5
Delorme, Laurie FRA215510. Flear 3.5
Flear, Christine FRA213311. Benmesbah 3.0
Verot, Melanie FRA212512. Muller 2.5
Round 1 - Aug 11
Group A
Maze -Bacrot 1/2
V.-Lagrave-Nataf 1/2
Feller -Fressinet0-1
Bauer -Vaisser 1/2
Abergel -Sokolov 1/2
Degraeve -Apicella 1/2
Group B
Cossin -Prie 1/2
Edouard -Benitah1-0
Kosten -Bricard1/2
Vitoux -Le Roux1/2
Collas -Shoker 1/2
Skripchenko-Congiu 1-0
Delorme -Collas 1/2
Leconte -Milliet 1/2
Lallemand -Benmesbah0-1
Muller -Guichard 0-1
Verot -Flear 1/2
Round 2 - Aug 12
Group A
Fressinet-Bauer 1/2
Bacrot -Nataf 1-0
Sokolov -V.-Lagrave1/2
Maze -Degraeve 1-0
Vaisser -Abergel 1/2
Apicella -Feller 0-1
Group B
Shoker -Edouard 1/2
Le Roux-Prie 1-0
Vitoux -Kosten 0-1
Benitah-Cossin 1/2
Lazarev-Collas 1/2
Guichard -Milliet 0-1
Benmesbah-Verot 0-1
Muller -Skripchenko1/2
Flear -Leconte 0-1
Collas -Lallemand 1-0
Congiu -Delorme 1/2
Round 3 - Aug 13
Group A
Abergel -Fressinet0-1
Feller -Maze 0-1
Degraeve -Bacrot 1/2
V.-Lagrave-Vaisser 1-0
Bauer -Apicella 1/2
Nataf -Sokolov 1/2
Group B
Govciyan-Vitoux 1/2
Edouard -Lazarev1/2
Kosten -Le Roux1-0
Cossin -Shoker 1/2
Collas -Bricard1/2
Prie -Benitah1/2
Skripchenko-Guichard 1-0
Leconte -Benmesbah1-0
Verot -Collas 1/2
Milliet -Flear 1-0
Delorme -Muller 1-0
Lallemand -Congiu 1/2
Round 4 - Aug 14
Group A
Maze -Bauer 1/2
Bacrot -Sokolov 1/2
Vaisser -Nataf 1/2
Degraeve -Feller 1/2
Apicella -Abergel 0-1
Group B
Bricard-Edouard 1-0
Kosten -Govciyan0-1
Shoker -Prie 0-1
Vitoux -Collas 1-0
Le Roux-Benitah 1/2
Lazarev-Cossin 0-1
Skripchenko-Delorme 1/2
Guichard -Flear 1-0
Benmesbah -Milliet 1/2
Collas -Leconte 1-0
Congiu -Verot 1-0
Muller -Lallemand0-1
Round 5 - Aug 15
Group A
Abergel -Maze 1-0
Nataf -Fressinet0-1
Feller -Bacrot 0-1
V.-Lagrave-Apicella 1-0
Bauer -Degraeve 1/2
Sokolov -Vaisser 1-0
Group B
Edouard -Vitoux 1-0
Govciyan-Le Roux0-1
Collas -Kosten 1/2
Cossin -Bricard1/2
Prie -Lazarev0-1
Benitah -Shoker 0-1
Delorme -Guichard 1/2
Flear -Benmesbah 1-0
Milliet -Collas 1-0
Leconte -Congiu 1/2
Verot -Muller 1-0
Round 6 - Aug 16
Group A
Fressinet-Sokolov 1-0
Maze -V.-Lagrave0-1
Bacrot -Vaisser 1-0
Degraeve -Abergel 0-1
Feller -Bauer 1/2
Apicella -Nataf 1/2
Group B
Kosten -Edouard1/2
Govciyan-Collas 1-0
Bricard -Prie 1/2
Le Roux -Shoker 0-1
Vitoux -Cossin 1/2
Lazarev -Benitah1/2
Guichard -Benmesbah1-0
Skripchenko-Verot 1-0
Collas -Flear 1-0
Congiu -Milliet 1/2
Muller -Leconte 0-1
Delorme -Lallemand1/2
Round 7 - Aug 18
Group A
Vaisser -Fressinet1/2
Bauer -Bacrot 1/2
V.-Lagrave-Degraeve 1-0
Abergel -Feller 0-1
Nataf -Maze 1/2
Sokolov -Apicella 1/2
Group B
Prie -Vitoux 0-1
Cossin -Kosten 1/2
Collas -Le Roux 1/2
Benitah-Bricard 1/2
Shoker -Lazarev 0-1
Leconte -Skripchenko1-0
Benmesbah-Collas 1/2
Lallemand-Guichard 1-0
Verot -Delorme 0-1
Milliet -Muller 1-0
Flear -Congiu 1/2
Round 8 - Aug 19
Group A
Bacrot -Fressinet 1-0
Feller -V.-Lagrave0-1
Bauer -Abergel 1-0
Maze -Sokolov 1/2
Degraeve-Nataf 1/2
Apicella-Vaisser 1/2
Group B
Collas -Edouard1/2
Govciyan-Cossin 0-1
Kosten -Prie 1/2
Bricard -Shoker 1/2
Le Roux -Lazarev1-0
Vitoux -Benitah1/2
Skripchenko-Milliet 1/2
Guichard -Collas 0-1
Congiu -Benmesbah0-1
Delorme -Leconte 0-1
Muller -Flear 1/2
Lallemand -Verot 1-0
Round 9 - Aug 20
Group A
V.-Lagrave-Bauer 1/2
Abergel -Bacrot 0-1
Fressinet -Apicella1/2
Sokolov -Degraeve1/2
Vaisser -Maze 0-1
Nataf -Feller 1/2
Group B
Edouard-Le Roux 0-1
Prie -Govciyan0-1
Cossin -Collas 1-0
Shoker -Vitoux 1-0
Benitah-Kosten 1-0
Lazarev-Bricard 1/2
Flear -Skripchenko0-1
Verot -Guichard 1-0
Benmesbah-Muller 0-1
Milliet -Delorme 1/2
Collas -Congiu 1-0
Leconte -Lallemand 1-0
Round 10 - Aug 21
Group A
Abergel -V.-Lagrave0-1
Bacrot -Apicella 1-0
Maze -Fressinet 1/2
Bauer -Nataf 1/2
Feller -Sokolov 1/2
Degraeve-Vaisser 1-0
Group B
Edouard -Cossin 1-0
Collas -Prie 1/2
Kosten -Shoker 1/2
Le Roux -Bricard1/2
Vitoux -Lazarev1/2
Guichard -Congiu 1/2
Verot -Leconte 1/2
Delorme -Flear 1/2
Muller -Collas 0-1
Lallemand -Milliet 0-1
Round 11 - Aug 22
Group A
V.-Lagrave-Bacrot 1/2
Fressinet -Degraeve1-0
Sokolov -Bauer 1/2
Apicella -Maze 1/2
Nataf -Abergel 1/2
Vaisser -Feller 0-1
Group B
Prie -Edouard 1-0
Shoker -Govciyan0-1
Cossin -Le Roux 1/2
Bricard-Vitoux 1-0
Lazarev-Kosten 1/2
Benitah-Collas 0-1
Collas -Skripchenko1/2
Leconte -Guichard 1/2
Benmesbah-Delorme 0-1
Milliet -Verot 1-0
Flear -Lallemand 1/2
Congiu -Muller 1/2
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Last modified: Fri Aug 22 22:46:00 GMT Standard Time 2008